- American Rescue Team - Most experienced rescue team in America having worked most of the major disasters worldwide for 11 years. non-profit, non-political.
- Chemical Emergency Preparedness, Prevention, and Respose - EPA's Chemical Emergency Preparedness, Prevention and Response Offices is responsible for implementing the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act and CAA 112(r)
- Emergency Preparedness Information Exchange (EPIX) - Located at Simon Fraser University - purpose: to facilitate exchange of ideas and information about natural and socio-technological disasters.
- Environmental Safety Services - Full service environmental and safety consulting firm.
- Institute of Emergency Administration - We provide the only in-residence bachelor's degree in disaster management in the USA. We integrate disaster research and practice.
- International Rescue Corps - International Rescue Corps, a UK based volunteer team with 15 years experience of casualty location and recovery at major disaster scenes.
- Mesa County Colorado LEPC - Local Emergency Planning Committee LEPC
- National Lightning Safety Institute - A non-profit organization whose mission is educations and research concerning lightning hazard mitigation and risk management.
- ORNL Environmental Analysis and Assessment Section - The Environmental Analysis and Assessment Section of Oak Ridge National Laboratory performs analyses and assessments related to NEPA compliance, risk assessments and safety analysis, emergency preparedness and response, environmental restoration, and radioactive waste management.
- Provincial Emergency Program (British Columbia) British Columbia Government agency
- REACT International - Non-profit group providing emergancy communications and disaster preparedness
- ReliefNet
- RescueNet - RescueNet is an On-Line resource for first responders
- Response to Environmental Emergencies - Provision of information concerning the natural environment in the event of an environmental disaster
- RiskCentral Flood Reports - RiskCentral enables home buyers to quickly check for free if their property is at risk of flooding. Detailed, property specific flood reports are also available for a low fee. The service is currently UK based.
- Strategic Emergency Management Systems - We are the fastest growing and highly regarded Canadian firm specializing in comprehensive emergency management programming.