- Ascension Island Geology - Geology, volcanology and geochemistry of Ascension Island, South Atlantic Ocean
- Cascades Volcano Observatory
- EOS Volcanology - The volcanology team focuses on the use of satellite remote sensing to study volcanoes.
- Eruptions of Mount Spurr Volcano, Alaska - Photographs of the 1992 Eruptions
- Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project - HSDP has drilled a 1056 m hole in Hilo, Hawaii, retrieving rocks from the Hawaiian volcanoes Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea.
- Hawaii Volcano Observatory Newsletter
- MTU Volcanoes Page
- Nordic Volcanological Institute International, (Nordic), non-profit organization for basic research in dynamic Earth processes, with emphsis on volcanic activity at diverging plate boundaries.
- Pinatubo Page - Volcano
- Rabaul Caldera - Information concerning the ongoing eruption at Rabaul Caldera, Papua New Guinea. Reports, images, animations from Michigan Technological University
- Volcanic Plume Simulation: Aviation Safety, climate impact of volcanos.. - Dept. of Meteorology, University of Maryland
- The Volcano Page
- USGS - CO2 Emission at Mammoth Mountain, California
- Volcano Listserve Proceedings
- VolcanoWorld - provides information about volcanoes to school kids and to visitors at Hawaii Volcanoes National Park and Mt. St. Helens National Monument