• Amazian- Maze 2000 - An environmental education centre in the form of a maze ,depicting those things endangered around the planet through the eyes of artists, and connected through technology globally.
  • Australian Correspondence Schools - Over 230 courses, many accredited, including Horticulture, Permaculture, Landscaping, Nursery, Parks Management, Native Plants, Herbs, Agriculture, Healthy Buildings, etc.
  • Environmental Education On-Line: Research Project - A research project (with questionnaire) examining Internet use in Environmental Education
  • Mirrabooka Primary School - We are one of Perth's leading Primary Schools who are trying to develop strategies for a re-aforrestation and recycling programme within the school.

Santa Barbara

Discover the city of Santa Barbara, California, the birthplace of Earth Day. A 1969 oil platform blowout off the coast of Santa Barbara led to a wave of environmental laws nationwide. That gave impetus to what we consider now the cornerstones to the modern environmental movement. A year later, the first Earth Day was held followed by the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency. A succession of other laws protecting water, marine life and endangered species followed.