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  • Alan Stazer, environmental, EMF, radiation law provides consulting and legal representation on environmental issues related to air pollution,hazardous waste, electromagnetic fields (EMF),ionizing radiation and radon.
  • Cameeron May's Environmental Law Publications - International Environmental Law Publisher
  • Chicago Injury Center - Attorneys concentrating in personal injury and medical malpractice in Chicago, Illinois.
  • Child Law Help Center Directory - Human edited legal directory for law firms offering family law services.
  • Commonwealth Injury: Louisville Injury Law Firm - Have you been seriously injured in a car accident in Louisville? Call Louisville injury lawyer Seth Gladstein to learn more about your rights.
  • Crockett Law Group, Palm Springs Personal Injury Lawyer - Crockett Law Group are Orange County personal injury lawyers and Palm Springs car accident attorneys representing the interests of people who have been injured in accidents due to the negligence of others. We have a passion to fight to ensure people receive fair treatment under the law and the compensation they deserve.
  • Earthjustice is a non-profit public interest law organization dedicated to protecting the magnificent places, natural resources, and wildlife of this earth, and to defending the right of all people to a healthy environment.
  • Earthlaw - The West's foremost public interest environmental law group
  • Earthlaw - Environmental Law in the Public Interest - Earthlaw is a public interest law firm that defends species and their habitat.
  • EastLaw - Environmental law legal index
  • Environmental Law Institute - Since 1969, ELI has played a pivotal role in shaping the fields of environmental law, policy, and management, domestically and abroad. Today, we enter our fifth decade as an internationally recognized, non-partisan research and education center working to strengthen environmental protection by improving law and governance worldwide.
  • The Environmental Law Section of the California State Bar furthers the knowledge of members in the fields of law affecting the environment and environmental regulatory law. Substantive areas and topics: Air, litigation, energy, waste management, natural resources, water, land use, toxics and CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act).
  • Environmental Attorney- Consulting, regulatory,and litigation - Solid and hazardous waste, CERCLA,UST's, air and water pollution, wetlands, takings, toxic torts--State and Federal agencies and courts.
  • Environmental Defense Center of Santa Barbara - Public interest law firm, education and advocacy center serving Santa Barbara, Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties in California
  • Environmental Defense Fund Worldwide - The Web of Life - We combine Science, Economics, and Law to provide economically sustainable solutions to today's environmental problems.
  • Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide - Network of public-interest environmental lawyers in 50 countries
  • Environmental Law Institute - An independent research and education center that advances environmental protection by improving law, policy, and management.
  • Enviromental Law Website - Website concentrates on tracking of laws related to the environment.
  • Environmental Litigation Associates - An association of senior scientists and engineers providing litigation support and expert witness testimony for both plaintiff and defendant causes.
  • Gary Phillips Accident Law Professionals, PLLC, Phoenix Personal Injury Lawyer - Formerly a founding partner with Phillips and Lyon, Gary Phillips, one of THE BEST Phoenix Personal Injury Lawyers is one of the Valley's better-known names in personal injury and car accident law. His more than 48 years experience in the valley, as a Phoenix Personal Injury Attorney. Contact at 1212 E Osborn Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85014 (602) 265-7767
  • Global Action and Information Network - GAIN provides current news about environmental legislation. Also offers action-oriented background info on environmental and sustainability issues.
  • Government Accountability Project - GAP defends whistleblowers who are punished for pointing out environmental, health and safety violations at government facilities.
  • GreenLife Society - North America - The GreenLife Society focuses on the critique of international environmental treaty regimes, including CITES, the ICRW and the UNFCCC.
  • Hassan Elhais - Mr. Hassan Elhais is professional lawyer in Dubai. Advocate Hassan Elhais is specialized in criminal, divorce, family legal consultants & Property Law in Dubai, UAE.
  • Hiltzheimer Law Office, PLLC - Criminal defense law office service Raleigh, North Carolina and surrounding areas. We represent individuals charged with crimes ranging from DWIs and drug charges to serious felonies including sex crimes and first degree murder. Call us for a free consultation.
  • Houston Criminal Defense Attorney - The Law Office of Greg Tsioros provides legal representation to anyone facing criminal charges in Houston, Texas
  • Houston Criminal Lawyer - Billy Skinner - Former assistant district attorney offering a 55% paperless criminal defense practice in Houston, TX.
  • Iowa Environmental Law Research - The Iowa Environmental Law Research Web Page is devoted to providing attorneys with environmental lawa resources
  • Iowa Environmental Law Web Page - The Iowa Environmental Law Web Page provides a list of hot links and environmental documents.
  • Law and the Environment - Private, non-commercial, law student home page.
  • Law Offices of James C. Venizelos - Cleveland litigation attorney concentrating practice in, among others, environmental litigation.
  • Law Offices of S. Wayne Rosenbaum - We are a law firm specializing in the legal aspects of environmental management systems such as ISO 14001
  • The National Association of Environmental Law Societies - This is an association of environmental law societies in the U.S.
  • Natural Resources Defense Council features the latest environmental news from Capitol Hill, plus information everyone should have on the state of our air, water, land and health.
  • NewFields, Inc. - Innovative Strategies for Environmental Liability Management
  • Pace Virtual Environmental Law Library - Pace University School of Law Center for Environmental Legal Studies
  • Paladin Law Group is a boutique multidisciplinary environmental law & policy legal practice and professional sustainability services firm with offices in Northern and Southern California.
  • PEEL Home Page - Non-profit founded 1992. People for the Enforcement of Environmental Laws
  • Personal Injury Attorney Mesa AZ - Tobler Law - Personal injury lawyers helping people with medical malpractice and wrongful death cases in Phoenix and Mesa AZ
  • Phoenix Bankruptcy Lawyer - Wright Law Offices, P.L.C. - Call Wright Law Offices at (602) 456-6085 or contact our Phoenix Bankruptcy Attorney at 668 N. 44th St. #320, Phoenix, AZ 85008 if you need help with filing Chapter 7,11,13 bankruptcy.
  • Roger Beers' Environmental Litigation Pages - These pages are devoted to environmental litigation - largely public interest and enforcement.
  • The Law Office of Matthew D. Sharp - The Law Office of Matthew D. Sharp is a criminal law firm with a practice devoted to the defense of criminal charges including felonies and misdemeanors of all stature..
  • Slepkow Slepkow & Associates, Inc. - Rhode Island lawyers. Personal injury, car accident, slip and fall
  • Sweet & Maxwell Home Page - We publish products such as Environmental Liability, Environmental Law Reports and Encyclopedia of Environmental Law amongst others - take a look!!
  • The Fernandez Firm - Personal injury, auto accident and medical malpractice law firm in Tampa, FL.
  • University of Minnesota Human Rights Library - The Human Rights Library holds a collection of over ninety of themost important international human rights instruments -- treaties, declarations.
  • University of Pittsburgh - Environmental Law Council - The Pitt ELC is engaged in promoting the educational, professional, and social aspects of environmental law.
  • University of Wyoming - College of Law Land and Water Law Review - One of the nation's finest journals of land and water law.
  • West Coast Environmental Law Website - We provide free legal advice to anyone in the province with environmental concerns.
  • Western Environmental Law Center - Nonprofit public interest law firm enforcing federal environmental laws throughout the Western U.S.

    Eco-Justice Project and Network
    Anabel Taylor Hall
    Cornell University
    Ithaca, NY 14853-1001

    Environmental Law Institute
    1616 P St., NW, Suite 200
    Washington, DC 20036

    Global Investigations
    P.O. Box 67121
    Scotts Valley, CA 95067

    International Council of Environmental Law
    Adenauerallee 214, D-5300 Bon 1
    Federal Republic of Germany

    Legal Environmental Assistance Foundation
    1115 North Gadsden St.
    Tallahassee, FL 32303-6327

    The Mediation Institute
    22231 Mulholland Hwy., Suite 208
    Woodland Hills, CA 91364

    Pacific Center For International Studies
    33 University Square
    Suite 184
    Madison, Wisconsin 53715
    Contact: Wil Burns, Director
    Phone: 608-256-6312
    Fax: 608-257-0417
    E-mail: PCIS@ix.netcom.com

    Program on Corporations, Law and Democracy
    PO Box 806
    Cambridge. MA 02140

    Southern Environmental Law Center
    201 W. Main St., Suite 14
    Charlottesville, VA 22901

Santa Barbara

Discover the city of Santa Barbara, California, the birthplace of Earth Day. A 1969 oil platform blowout off the coast of Santa Barbara led to a wave of environmental laws nationwide. That gave impetus to what we consider now the cornerstones to the modern environmental movement. A year later, the first Earth Day was held followed by the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency. A succession of other laws protecting water, marine life and endangered species followed.