- Environmental Protection Agency Home Page - The U.S. EPA Web pages provide a compendium of environmental information and legislation for the public.
- Acid Rain Program - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Division
- Chemical Emergency Preparedness, Prevention, and Respose - EPA's Chemical Emergency Preparedness, Prevention and Response Offices is responsible for implementing the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act and CAA 112(r)
- EPA Economy and Environment - Carries out research and analyses of the interactions and relationships between the economy and environmental pollution control.
- EPA Office of Mobile Sources - Control of air pollution from automobiles, trucks, off-road vehicles & equipment, engines, and fuels
- EPA & Ozone Depletion - EPA is responsible for U.S. regulations to protect the ozone layer.
- EPA's Environmental Data Registry - Environmental Protection Agency's Environmental Data Registry
- EPA's Global Warming Web Site - Environmental Protection Agency
- EPA's Surf Your Watershed - EPA's Surf Your Watershed is a service to help citizens locate, use, and share environmental information on your watershed or community.
- EPA Standards
- Midwestern Air Pollution Information, U.S. EPA, Region 5 - We cover the following: * Acid Rain * Air Quality * Ozone * CFC's * Maps * Violating Companies * Toxics * Asbestos * Radon * Regulations * Enforcement * Radiation
- Newsletters and Journals
- Press Releases, Calendar, Announcements, Speeches
- Software and Databases
- Software for Environmental Awareness - EPA Region 5 & Purdue University develop free software on environmental topics from energy efficiency to wastewater treatment.
- State of the New England Environment 1996 - US EPA Region 1, New England
- Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations - The National Environmental Information Service sells all EPA, OSHA and NIOSH documents.
- U.S. EPA GLNPO - U.S. EPA Great Lakes National Program Office
- U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development - U.S. EPA's Research and Development group...develops new technology and assesses human health risks.