- Desertification Information Network - Data and links concerning desertification
- Desert Research Institute - DRI is the environmental research division of University and Community College System of Nevada. Air, Land, Water Climate.
- McDowell Sonoran Land Trust - work to preserve and protect open space in the Sonoran Desert
- Office of Arid Lands Studies - Arizona Remote Sensing Center is housed in the Office of Arid Lands Studies, Univ. AZ
- Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving Utah's threatened red rock wilderness.
- Trans Pecos Region - The Texas office of The Nature Conservancy, an international non-profit environmental organization.
- University of Arizona - The International Arid Lands Consortium is an independent, nonprofit research organization supporting ecological sustainability in arid and semiarid lands worldwide.
- University of Arizona - The Arid Lands Newsletter is a semiannual research magazine published both in print and online for an international readership of researchers, land managers, conservationists, and policy makers. It is a service of the Office of Arid Lands Studies at The University of Arizona.
Chihuahuan Desert Research Institute
P.O. Box 1334
Alpine, TX 79831-1334
Desert Protective Council, Inc.
P.O.Box 3635
San Diego, CA 92163-1635
Desert Trail Association
P.O. Box 589
Burns, OR 97720
Nevada Desert Experience
POB 4487
Las Vegas NV 89127