- BP Oil Spill - Forcing Them to Pay Billions - The BP oil spill is widely considered to be the worst pollution disaster in American history. As Co-Lead Counsel, Steve led the charge on behalf of thousands of shrimpers, oysterman, and other businesses devastated by the spill. Our firm was instrumental in negotiating the uncapped, multi billion dollar settlement with BP. The settlement ended up being so favorable to victims of the spill that BP actually took the unprecedented step of appealing the terms of a settlement to which it had already agreed in writing. Our firm was instrumental in spear heading the BP trial.
- Center for Economic and Social Studies on the Environment - CESSE works on sustainable development indicators and resources, green accounting, EIA, air pollution and modelling.
- Clean Process Advisory System - A system of software for efficiently delivering information on clean technologies and pollution prevention methodologies to the conceptual process and product designer.
- DOE Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse (EPIC) was developed by the DOE Office of Energy Research to provide information on pollution prevention-related topics such as laws, regulations, project summaries, training, workshops, databases, guidance documents, and links to other sources of information.
- Enviro$en$e -- Assisting Pollution Prevention Implementation - Provides pollution prevention, solvent substitution, and environmental compliance information.
- Foss Environmental Services Company is a leader in Point and Non-Point Source Pollution control products and services.
- Great Lakes Pollution Prevention Centre - Canada's foremost pollution prevention resource provides 'at source' environmental solutions through relevant, accurate information.
- Hampshire Research Institute - Nonprofit emphasizes environmental information, pollution prevention, toxics issues, community support.
- Keep America Beautiful, Inc. - Provides information on litter prevention and solid waste management (recycling, composting, waste-to-energy incineration, sanitary landfilling).
- Los Angeles and San Fernando Valley Criminal Defense Lawyer - Los Angeles criminal defense attorney Michael A. Goldstein can assist clients charged with local and California state pollution violations in Los Angeles County.
- National Pollution Prevention Center for Higher Education develops and disseminates college-level curriculum materials (bibliographies, articles, student assignments, etc.) on business, engineering, and interdisciplinary topics; the only cost is for photocopying and mailing!
- ORNL Environmental Analysis and Assessment Section - The Environmental Analysis and Assessment Section of Oak Ridge National Laboratory performs analyses and assessments related to NEPA compliance, risk assessments and safety analysis, emergency preparedness and response, environmental restoration, and radioactive waste management.
- PRO-ACT - A Base-level Pollution Prevention Resource sponsored by HQ Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence
- Report on Municipal Waste Incineration - Birmingham Friends of the Earth is a local group campaigning on many environmental issues globally, nationally and in Birmingham (UK).
- Thistle Publishing - Previews user-friendly Risk*Assistant software to assess health risk from toxic chemicals in the environment. Locally specific risk and exposure assessments.
- Vidrine Consulting - Consulting in point-source pollutant recovery & destruction
- Welcome to RTK NET - An online service that provides community access to EPA Databases concerning toxic waste, Superfund, and other environmental regulations, as well as free environmental documents, newsletters, and conferences.
- Zero Waste America - A non-profit, advocacy organization that promotes the elimination of waste and pollution in the manufacture, use, and recycling of materials.
Clean Sites, Inc.
1199 North Fairfax St.
Alexandria, Va 22314
Native Americans for a Clean Environment
P.O. Box 1671
Tahlequah, OK 74465
National Sanitation Foundation International
3475 Plymouth RD.,
P.O. Box 130140
Ann Arbor, MI 48113-0140
National Toxics Campaign
1168 Commonwealth Ave.
Boston, MA 02134