Home / Pollution / Hazardous Waste
  • 1996 Baseline Environmental Management Report - The Office of Environmental Management is responsible for cleaning up the legacy of nuclear weapons production.
  • Camden Radiation Investigation - Camden NJ High School interdisciplinary, interdistrict study of a local environmental site. This was a project between Camden High School, an urban school, and Cherry hill West, a suburban high school.
  • CAT-UK - Communities Against Toxics - UK
  • Compliance Online - is the regulatory resource for envirnomental engineers, scientists, and managers with analysis from industry professionals.
  • First Place Supply - Mold, Asbestos, & Lead Abatement Supplies - An environmental distributor of products that help the restoration professional clean up asbestos, lead, and toxic black mold. In stock selection of Abatement Technologies air scrubbers, Hepa Vacuums, Shockwave 8310 & 8316 EPA Registered Disinfectant, Aftershock fungicide paint, Wonder Makers asbestos sampling equipment and air movers. We are a one stop shop for the RRP certified contractor. We also offer a full line of Kontrol Kube Enclosures designed to keep the environment in a hospital safe while work is being performed in the cavity above the ceiling tiles. Give First Place Supply a call. We won't let you down
  • Hazardous Materials Management magazine - The Canadian Publication of Pollution Prevention and Control web site contains listings of over 800 environmental product and service companies.
  • Hazardous Substance Research Center - Great Plains/Rocky Mountain HSRC
  • HazTECH News - Environmental newsletter dedicated to hazardous waste treatment and remediation technologies.
  • Helland's Environmental Resource - Essential tools to aid the environmental professional in maintaining regulatory compliance during hazardous waste practices.
  • Information Network for Superfund Settlements - Group of over 170 organizations sharing common goal of facilitating progress of settlements under Superfund
  • Louisiana State University - DOE-EPSCoR Environmental Toxicology Program - Multi-disciplinary research program investigating the health and ecological risks associated with energy-related activities and wastes.
  • North Carolina Hazardous Waste Section - Hazardous waste regulatory agency for the State of North Carilina
  • Savannah River Site Home Page - This Department of Energy facility develops and deploys technologies to clean up industrial and nuclear wastes.
  • SCERP Southwest Center for Environmental Research & Policy - SCERP is a University consortium dedicated to applied environmental research of the US-Mexican border region.
  • ToxCat - Non Profit Making Environmental Group in the United Kingdom.

    Citizen's Clearinghouse for Hazardous Wastes (CCHW)
    P.O. Box 6806
    Falls Church, Va 22040

    Environmental Technology Council
    734 15th Street, N.W., Suite 720
    Washington, DC 20005

    Military Toxics Project
    471 Main Street, 2nd Floor
    Lewiston, ME 04240
    Phone (207)783-5091

    Waste Information and Management Services
    3250 Townsend NE
    Grand Rapids, MI 49505-2558

Santa Barbara

Discover the city of Santa Barbara, California, the birthplace of Earth Day. A 1969 oil platform blowout off the coast of Santa Barbara led to a wave of environmental laws nationwide. That gave impetus to what we consider now the cornerstones to the modern environmental movement. A year later, the first Earth Day was held followed by the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency. A succession of other laws protecting water, marine life and endangered species followed.