Home / Pollution / Waste Management
  • Alameda County Waste Management Authority & Source Reduction and Recycling Board - Alameda County Waste Management Authority & Source Reduction and Recycling Board is a public agency that promotes source reduction and recycling through public education, grants to non-profit organizations, and assistance to businesses and local agencies.
  • Clean Earth Enviromental Group - Manufactures of Truck mounted Vaccum Systems, Sewer Cleaning Machines and High Quality Multi-Purpose Containers.
  • The Cygnus Group The Cygnus Group helps organizations to integrate sustainability concepts into their strategic planning, marketing and communications activities. We work with government, non-profit groups and corporations.
  • Ecocleen Cleaning Services - Ecocleen are green cleaning services specialists who offer the ultimate package in green, cost effective soft services. Whether you require cleaning, waste management and/or recycling, interior or exterior landscaping, pest control, washroom services and maintenance.
  • Evirolink - Autstralia, Local Government Waste Management and Recycling entity with an emphasis on resource recovery
  • Information Network for Superfund Settlements - Group of over 170 organizations sharing common goal of facilitating progress of settlements under Superfund
  • The New SWANA Home Page - The largest member based solid waste association in the world, with over 6000 members. Join today!!
  • North Carolina Division of Pollution Prevention & Environmental Assistance (DPPEA) - DPPEA (formerly OWR) provides technical assistance to NC commerce, industry, and government for pollution prevention and waste reduction.
  • Pennsylvania Resources Council - Non-profit environmental education organization. Focus on recycling, solid waste management and environmental living
  • PT PPLI (Prasadha Pamunah Limbah Industri) - Waste Management Indonesia - Indonesia's first Chemical Waste Treatment and Disposal Facility, containing links to other Enviroment related sites in Indonesia
  • Recycling Insights Home Page - Recycling Insights provides Solid Waste Mgmt./ Recycling software
  • Septic Systems - EPA's Decentralized Case Studies Describe What Communities Across the U.S. Are Doing to Effectively Manage their Wastewater Infrastructure
  • Septic Systems and their  Maintenance - Proper design, installation, and maintenance of your septic system will maximize your system's life. It will prevent failures that can be unsightly, foul-smelling, and threatening to your family's health. Good maintenance reduces the risk of contaminating your well water, and may save you from costly repairs or system replacement.
  • Southern Waste Information Exchange - The Southern Waste Information eXchange (SWIX), is a non-profit clearinghouse and repository for information on: solid and hazardous waste management the availability of and demand for waste materials waste management services and products and regulato
  • Tomorrow´s Trash & Waste Management - New Approaches in the Future of Waste Management
  • TSD Central - The Business Site for Industrial Waste Services, including an industrial waste exchange and a transaction platform
  • Water Online - Online database for water/wastewater professional including supplier directory, industry news and feature articles.
  • World Resources Foundation - A non-profit organization that provides free information on waste management and resource recovery.
  • Yale Working Papers on Solid Waste Policy - The Yale University Working Papers on Solid Waste Policy publishes commissioned papers from experts on topics that have been neglected in the solid waste debate.

Santa Barbara

Discover the city of Santa Barbara, California, the birthplace of Earth Day. A 1969 oil platform blowout off the coast of Santa Barbara led to a wave of environmental laws nationwide. That gave impetus to what we consider now the cornerstones to the modern environmental movement. A year later, the first Earth Day was held followed by the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency. A succession of other laws protecting water, marine life and endangered species followed.