Home / Publications / Online Magazines
  • Business To Business Magazine - marketing, the environment, money matters, etc.
  • Environmental News Link - A comprehensive news and information service for environmental professionals. Save time tracking Federal and state news, legislation, regulations, court decisions.
  • Environmental Protection Magazine Online - Come visit EP Online! Read articles from past issues, find related sites and discuss environmental issues in our EP Forum.
  • Environmental Protection Site - Dedicated to publishing the latest campaigns and regulations
  • E/The Environmental Magazine - Bimonthly clearinghouse of information, news and resources on environmental issues--from recycling to rainforests and the "personal to the political."
  • Eureka Health & Green Stuff - Eureka for a healthier lifestyle, green, eco, natural health, news and events (South UK)
  • The Funny Papers - Terrain -- Northern California's Environmental Magazine
  • Here & Now Magazine - Local Magazine for South East England, UK. This is a Internet version of a local environmental magazine for the Hastings and Rother Areas of South East England, local and international areas covered.
  • Natural Science - An Internet magazine for essays, reviews and correspondence on all aspects of science
  • Our Environment -- Online - Award-winning ezine focuses on "What We Can Do" to deal with environmental issues.
  • Smithsonian Magazine - Welcome to Smithsonian Magazine's little corner on the Internet.
  • Social Justice E-Zine - Social Justice is an e-zine which highlights the struggles of people everywhere for human dignity and environmental protection.
  • The Sustainable Times - The internet version of the award-winning Sustainable Times, a newsmagazine about solutions to our environmental and employment challenges.
  • Wild Florida Online - WFO provides articles and information about hiking, camping, canoeing, wildlife watching and nature photography in Florida.

Santa Barbara

Discover the city of Santa Barbara, California, the birthplace of Earth Day. A 1969 oil platform blowout off the coast of Santa Barbara led to a wave of environmental laws nationwide. That gave impetus to what we consider now the cornerstones to the modern environmental movement. A year later, the first Earth Day was held followed by the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency. A succession of other laws protecting water, marine life and endangered species followed.