- Buy and Sell Surplus Chemicals - Save your company money by buying and selling obsolete or surplus chemicals. Help keep your warehouse space freed up and your production costs low.
- Chemical Management Technology, Inc. - equipment for on site chemical recycling reclamation
- Chemical Recycling - Active reuse of excess and byproduct chemicals. We make transactions happen.
- Chemical Recycling by CleanPlanet Chemical - CleanPlanet Chemical specializes in recycling chemicals, solvents, and hazardous waste. The process from putting the chemical waste into the recycling system takes very little time and effort. This revolutionary equipment eliminates waste by recycling the chemical into reusable product.
- Greenflow Environmental Services Inc. - Enable users of photochemistry to treat the effluent before entering drain
- NexGen Environmental, Inc. - NexGen Environmental, Inc. is an alternative resource management company focusing on the reuse and recycle of hazardous materials
- Romic Environmental Technologies Corporation Home Page - Romic specializes in the Recyling of Hazardous Waste, Field Services, and Lab Packing.
- Unitech Industrial, Inc. - Industrial fluids maintenance and recycling systems-technologies company.