- Biospherical Instruments Inc. - Biospherical designs and deploys environmental monitoring technologies in the oceanographic and atmospheric sciences.
- Centre for Atmospheric Chemistry
- Desert Research Institute - Environmental research division of University of Nevada System focusing on air and water quality, atmospheric physics, geomorphology, ecosystem response to environmental change and archaeology.
- Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia - Atmospheric Science includes undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in Global Climates, Boundary Layer Meteorology, Dynamical and Physical Meteorology, and Applied Meteorology.
- National Lightning Safety Institute - A non-profit organization whose mission is educations and research concerning lightning hazard mitigation and risk management.
- PAX Analytics - Manufacturer of ACCESS Environemental Monitoring System which collects and analyzes meteorological, radiological and air quality data.
- Royal Meteorological Society is the national society in the United Kingdom for all interetsed in meteorology and physical oceanography.
- UNH Global Atmospheric Chemistry Group - We are a multidisciplinary group concerned with understanding the fundamental factors which determine the chemical composition of the Earth's atmosphere.
- University Corporation for Atmospheric Research is a consortium of 61 universities that manages the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, as well as other programs that conduct and facilitate research in the atmospheric and related sciences.
- University of Cologne - EURAD is a three-dimensional Eulerian air pollution modelling system which simulates the transport, chemical transformation and deposition of minor atmospheric constituents in the troposphere over Europe.
- University of Miami - Atmospheric and Ocean Optics - Environmental Optics Group in the Physics Department at the University of Miami.