- Aspen Global Change Institute - AGCI is dedicated to furthering global change science and education. We host interdisciplinary science forums and publish a K-12 Teacher Handbook.
- Biospherical Instruments Inc. - Biospherical designs and deploys environmental monitoring technologies in the oceanographic and atmospheric sciences.
- Carbon Dioxide Information Analysi Center (CDIAC) provides data and information support for the U.S. Department of Energy's Global Change Research Program.
- Cities for Climate Protection - The Cities for Climate Protection engages cities worldwide to reduce greenhouse gas emissions locally.
- EPA's Global Warming Web Site - Environmental Protection Agency
- Global Change Master Directory - An online, searchable database for information on Earth sciences, environmental, and global change data throughout the world
- Global Climate Change Information Programme - GCCIP provides information on global climate change and sustainable development for students, lecturers, the media, policy makers and the public.
- Hawaii Sea Grant Global Change Education Hom Page - Climate and global change education resources on the WWW. Global change topic overviews, on-line activities, and other cool links!
- International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) - Describes the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme, a non-governmental organisation studying global environmental change. Its goals, component parts and activities are defined.
- Mark Tompkins - Environmental Engineering and Science - Environmental research on stream flow, global warming, storm water management.
- NOAA Office of Global Programs - A NOAA office that contributes to the evolving national and international programs designed to improve our ability to observe, understand, predict, and respond to changes in the environment.
- START - Describes the Global Change SysTem for Analysis, Reseach and Training, a non-governmental international organisation sponsored by IGBP, WCRP, and IHDP to foster development of regional research and related networks in developing regions of the world.
- Symposium 1997 - University of Quebec in Montreal, Chaire de Recherche en Environnement HQ/CRSNG/UQAM. "Electricity production and green gases facts and perspectives"
- Union of Concerned Scientists - The Union of Concerned Scientists promotes solutions on agriculture and biotechnology, biodiversity, climate change, energy, ozone depletion, and transportation.
- US Global Change Research Information Office - The US GCRIO disseminates information on global environmental change on behalf of the US Government.
- Virginia Tech - Department of Earth Sciences - Dinosaur Volcano-Greenhouse Extinctions
- Woodrising Consulting Inc. - Greenhouse Gas reducing project design including Joint Implementation