- Global Change Data Center our mission is to ensure worldwide access to earth science data in support of the U.S. Global Change Program and the NASA Mission to Planet Earth.
- Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) is a comprehensive source of information about Earth science, environmental, climate, and global change data holdings available to the scientific community throughout the world.
- Unidata provides innovative software and services that empower universities to acquire and use atmospheric and related data (in real time).
- Unidata netCDF
- Arkansas Basin River Forecast Center (ABRFC) (NOAA/NWS)
- Center for the Study of Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Atmospheres (CSTEA) training of African Americans in space-based sciences and engineering.
- Colorado State University - Department of Atmospheric Science
- Creighton University - Department of Atmospheric Sciences
- Florida State University - Meteorology Department
- Freien Universität Berlin Institut für Meteorologie
- Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX)
- Global Warming Update
- Institut for Meteorology and Climate Research (Germany)
- Institute for Global Environment and Society, Inc. is dedicated to basic research in climate variability, climate predictability and climate change.
- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Atmospheric Research
- Lyndon State College Weather
- Macquarie University - Atmospheric Science
- McGill - Centre for Climate and Global Change Research
- MIT - Center for Meteorology and Physical Oceanography
- MIT - Lincoln Laboratory Weather Sensing Group
- MIT - Radar Lab Home Page
- Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center (NERSC)
- NASA Ames Mars Global Circulation Modeling Group
- National Institute of Space Research - Environmental Geochemistry discusses Atmospheric Pollution, Acid Rain effects and Biomass Burning impacts in Brazil.
- National Institute of Water and Atmosphere (NIWA) contains information on many aspects of NIWA's science activities including atmospheric, marine and ecological research.
- National Lightning Safety Institute - Concerned with lightning safety, NLSI provides education seminars as well as site surveys to assure "best available" technology.
- National Severe Storms Laboratory
- NCSU Metorology
- NWS Forecast Office Norman, OK
- Ohio State University - Byrd Polar Research Center polar and alpine research
- Oklahoma University - Weather Radar Laboratory Weather Radar Research
- Planteforsk (The Norwegian Crop Research Institute) contains Weather data from 42 different stations in Norway.
- Plymouth State College - Meteorlogy
- Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
- Princeton - Department of Hydroclimatology contains current research being conducted in the hydroclimatology department at Princeton University.
- Schools of the Pacific Atmosperic Monitoring (SPAM) Automatic Weather Stations at Pacific Schools Provide Research Quality Meteorological Data.
- Texas A&M University - Meteorology
- The Great Lakes Forecasting System
- University of California Davis, Atmospheric Science Group Home Page
- University of Hawaii - Meteorology
- University of Maryland - Meteorology
- University of Maryland at College Park - Meteorology
- University of Missouri - Columbia Atmospheric Science
- University of North Carolina at Asheville - Atmospheric Sciences
- University of North Dakota - Meteorology Dept.
- University of Oklahoma - Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms
- University of Utah - Dept of Meteorology
- University of Washington - Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences
- USGS Global Change and Climate History Program Home Page provides reliable predictions of future climate changes and their effects.
- Utah Climate Center Network Resources
- Virginia State Climatology Office provides climatic data pertaining to the State of Virginia.