- Biological, Agricultural and Medical Sciences INFOMINE Library of the University of California, Riverside. Over 1,400 life, agricultural, environmental and medical Internet resources are well described. We offer a powerful and flexible search engine and browsing tools.
- Biotehnos - Biotechnologies (products, basic and applied technologies, due process units, measuring and control devices, automation and computer control), products from fine chemical and biochemical synthesis, etc.
- Bonnell Environmental Consulting is a small company experienced in the assessment of chemical impacts to the environment, particularly as a result of soil contamination.
- California State University - BIOWEB The California State University Biological Sciences World Wide Web Server.
- Entomology Index of Internet Resources - searchable database of links to entomology and insect related resources on the Internet
- Expedition Link - Expedition Link provides URL links to expeditions and exploration organizations
- Field Studies in Biology: Malheur & The Great Basin Desert - Clark College
- Lammi Biological Station - The largest biological field station in Finland, belongs to the University of Helsinki, the main interests: ecology and hydrobiology
- Ohio Biological Survey - A consortium of 76 institutions producing and disseminating scientific information concerning the flora and fauna of Ohio since 1913
- Society for Conservation Biology - 5000-member ogranization of conservation scientists and professionals
- University Bielefeld - Entwicklungsbiologie Developmental Biology - Developmental Biology Faculty of Biology University of Bielefeld Germany
- University of California, Irvine - Conservation Biology is the home to Conservation efforts at UCI: Species extinction estimates, Ecological Preserve management, orchid taxonomy, UCI Arboretum and Gene Bank, etc.
- University of California, Santa Barbara - Biological Sciences
- University of Helsinki - Finnish Museum of Natural History provides information on the museum, Finnish plants and lots of links to botany throughout internet.
- University of New Mexico - Sevilleta Long-Term Ecological Research Project (LTER) located primarily on 400 square miles of central New Mexico, is designed to address a suite of ecological hypotheses concerning climatic dynamics and the responses of organisms in a biome transition zone.
- University of Oregon - Biology Dept