- Above Grounder's Introduction to Mycorrhiza - Supplier of California native plants and mycorrhizal inoculum
- Agricultural Genome Information Server is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Agricultural Research Service and the National Agricultural Library. This server lets you browse and search the National Genetic Resources Program genome databases, AGRICOLA, and related biological information.
- California Native Plant Society - California Native Plant and Plant Community conservation, education, and appreciation.
- Canadian Botanical Conservation Network - CBCN is a new organization for setting up cooperative conservation programs for plants in Canada.
- Centre for plant Biodiversity Research A national government funded collaborative venture between the Australian National Botanic Gardens and the Commonwealth Scientific and Indistrial Research Organization, the botanical collections sof which constitute the Australian National Herbarium. Focus on the Australia native flora, regional biodiversity, rare and endangered plants and conservation.
- Chez Marco's Botany and Fieldwork Pages - Privite web site, trying to reach sec. schools and naturalists
- Cliff Ecology Research Group is a multidisciplinary organization studying all the ecological aspects of one place "cliffs". From genetics and plant physiology to plant and animal community ecology and climate reconstruction, we do it all.
- FLORIN Information System Home Page - FLORIN is an information system designed to deal with biodiversity data, with special attention to plants: taxonomy, geography (incl. GIS options) collections, etc.
- Institute of Plant Nutrition - Homepage of the Institute of Plant Nutrition, Hohenheim; covers many aspects of plant nutrition. Germany
- Legendary Ethnobotanical Resources - We are Dedicated to the preservation and dissemination of rare plant species.
- Missouri Botanical Garden - A world renowned institution for botanical research and conservation
- Natural history Museum of Fribourg - The Natural history Museum of Fribourg (Switzerland) has various herbariums, collection of dried mushrooms..
- North Coast Chapter California Native Plant Society - The North Coast Chapter of the California Native Plant Society is an non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of California native flora.
- Plant Biology - Plant biology department at the Univ. of New Hamsphire
- Project Green Gene - Plant preservation and cryopreservation. Seeds. Plant DNA and RNA for research. Contract protoplast fusions.
- Rare Plants of San Diego Co., Calif. - San Diego Chapter, Sierra Club
- Scott's Botanical Links - Botanical educational resources for high school (AP-Biology) and college. Sites rated based on educational value, completeness and scientific correctness.
- Seeds of Life - Private web site - Independent writer and photograph
- University of Helsinki - Finnish Museum of Natural History provides information on the museum, Finnish plants and lots of links to botany throughout internet.
- Univeristy of Missouri - Maize Genome Database USDA/National Agricultural Library(NAL) sponsored maize genome Sybase data base, located and curated at the Univeristy of Missouri, Columbia, MO.
- Utah State University - Crop Physiology Lab - A research group that primarily uses hydroponic growing systems
- World-Wide Web Virtual Library in Botany - Links to essential botanical resources