- Catalina Conservancy Divers - CCD is the member support group of the Catalina Island Conservancy involved with marine biodiversity studies and ecological restoration
- Coastal Conservation Foundation - CCF is dedicated to conserving the Gulf of California and its habitants through education, research and special projects.
- Coastal Ecosystems Research Foundation - Ecological research on grey whales through eco-tourism.
- The Five College Marine Science WWW Guide - An educational cooperative between the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Hampshire, Mount Holyoke and Smith Colleges.
- Gulf Specimen Marine Labs - Supplying marine animals to schools, universities, public and private aquariums, and for environmental education since 1964.
- The IMBC Home Page - A marine research foundation involved in projects relating to advances in marine sciences, fisheries research, applied environmental research and the introduction of new aquaculture species.
- James Cook University - Department of Marine Biology - Dedicated to specialised training in marine biology. Queensland, Australia
- Kinnetic Laboratories, Inc. - A consulting firm with expertise in marine biology, oceanography, water quality, wastewater analysis, and other related environmental fields.
- The Marine Biological Laboratory - The oldest marine lab in the US.
- Mote Marine Laboratory is an independent non-profit marine and estuarine research and education facility, working in fields from marine biomedicine to coastal engineering and fisheries science.
- Odyssey Expeditions Tropical Marine Biology Voyages - Student education programs on liveaboard yacht in the British Virgin Islands. Marine Science, PADI diver training and seamanship are taught.
- Orcinus Orca
- Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History - Collection and research facility specializing in mollusks, marine mammals and birds.
- Southern California Coastal Water Research Project - SCCWRP's mission is to enhance scientific understanding of how natural processes and anthropogenic factors interact to determine the health of the Southern California coastal environment.
- Strategies for Pursuing a Career in Marine Mammal Science - Society for Marine Mammalogy's "Strategies for Pursuing a Career in Marine Mammal Science." Great resource list included.
- Texas Marine Mammal Stranding Network - The Texas Marine Mammal Stranding Network is dedicated to the study and conservation of marine mammals.
- University of Washington - Marine Bioremediation Program - The MBP is a multidisciplinary research and training initiative investigating marine bioremediation.
- Victorian Instituteof Marine Sciences - Education division of Victorian Institute of Marine Sciences in Queenscliff, Victoria, Australia. Marine education programs for school, college, and community groups.
The Crustacean Society
c/o L.G. Abele, Florida State University
College of Arts and Sciences
Tallahassee, Florida 32306