- Das Projekt Eisvogel - The Kingfisher project - A German nature conservation society (NABU), here: Kingfisher project
- Ephemeroptera Galactica - Florida A&M University
- Herpmed Communications Index Page - Dedicated to providing timely informsation on amphibians, reptiles and a wide vasriety of animals through original websites and links to other pertinent sites.
- Natural History Museum, London Centre for research and exhibition in the life and earth sciences.
- New England Reptile - New England Reptile Distributors (NERD, Inc.) Herpetoculturists specializing in breeding snakes, lizards, turtles, tortoises, amphibians, arachnids, and insects. Herpetology/Reptiles are our specialty.
- Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History - Collection and research facility specializing in mollusks, marine mammals and birds.
- the University of Hong Kong Department of Zoology
- University of New Mexico - Sevilleta Long-Term Ecological Research Project (LTER) located primarily on 400 square miles of central New Mexico, is designed to address a suite of ecological hypotheses concerning climatic dynamics and the responses of organisms in a biome transition zone.
- Zoological Reord - Information service for zoology with particular emphasis on taxonomy and nomenclature.
- Zoologie - Mammal Search, Systematics, Questions answered free.
Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology
Suite 1407, 1100 Glendon Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90024