- 1995 Biwako Prize For Ecology
- Biodiversity and Biological Collections
- Biosphere Reserves in Canada
- California Native Plant Society - California Native Plant and Plant Community conservation, education, and appreciation.
- Centre universitaire d'ecologie humaine (ECOLU) Postgraduate courses in Human Ecology, coordination and diffusion of information, research and study of the peri-urban zones and natural areas of a transboundary region, housing quality, urban pollution, health and well-being.
- Conservation Ecology is an international peer-reviewed scientific journal and a publication of the Ecological Society of America.
- Ecologia y desarrollo sostenible - A homepage made by students of an ecologic sustainment related class. Mexico.
- Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network - A National network of often independant researchers and organizations interested in a holistic approach to ecological knowledge.
- Ecological Restoration and Mitigation, HRG - Habitat Restoration Group specializes in the evaluation, restoration, enhancement, and creation of native plant communities and fish and wildlife habitats.
- Ecology and Conservation Research Group - Open University of the UK
- The Ecology Channel - The Ecology Channel covering our world and how we relate to it, provide comprehensive information, education and entertainment service on ecology and the environment.
- Ecology Hall of Fame - Hall of Fame for Enviromental heros including Alan Chadwick
- Ecology in Panama - conservation efforts Academic Programs, pictures, details about protected areas.
- EcoNews Africa - an NGO initiative that analyses global environment and development issues from an African perspective and reports on local, national, and regional activities that contribute to global solutions.
- Edinburgh University - Ecological Society Home Page - The Edinburgh University Ecological Society
- Encyclopedia of Gap Analysis - a national program with a proactive approach to managing biodiversity. It"s products include maps of vegetation, vertibrate distribution, land ownership, and management level.
- EcoMall exclusively markets ecologically-sound merchandise that will help save the planet's limited resources and offers free information from the environmental community on current issues, a classified directory and a business services section.
- Gaia Forest Archives - Major resource on forest conservation campaigns worldwide and in Papua New Guinea in particular.
- General Biodiversity Related Resources
- Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) - a comprehensive source of information about Earth science, environmental, climate, and global change data holdings available to the scientific community throughout the world.
- Great Smoky Mountains Bibliography
- Gulf of Mexico Program Information Network
- Habitat Ecology Home Page
- Handbook for a Better Future
- HF Carey High School - Ecology Council
- Human Wildlife Project
- Illinois Natural History - On-line is information from the Center for Aquatic Ecology, Center for Biodiversity, Center for Economic Entomology, and the Center for Wildlife Ecology
- Iowa Universities - Iowa Lakeside Laboratory Fieldstation run cooperatively by Iowa State University, The University of Iowa, and The University of Northern Iowa. Summer courses are offered in aquatic, terrestrial and wetland ecology, evolution, diatoms, plant taxonomy, archaeology, and geology.
- ISEM-NA - International Society for Ecological Modeling
- ISIR WWW Site - International Sakharov Institute on Radioecology (training in environmental sciences including Chernobyl problems and sustainable energy, tertiary and postgraduate levels)
- Le Carrefour Québécois Environnement Faune - Ce site WEB est la porte d'entrée pour tous ceux et celles qui s'interressent à la faune et à ses différents intervenants
- Man And the Biosphere (MAB)
- Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences - Science based solutions to environmental issues that benefit people and wildlife
- Maui Institute - All about GAIA and realated studies.
- Mendocino County Ecology Web One of the most active environmental communities in California, including group contact info, articles from the Mendocino Environmental Center newsletter, extensive links to many environmental-related sites in the world.
- The National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis - National Research Center devoted to the collaborative analysis of critical environmental issues
- Natural Areas Journal - The Natural Areas Journal is one of the leading voices in natural areas management and protection of natural diversity.
- Ordination Methods for Ecologists
- Patterns and Processes of Change in the Amazon Basin - An interdisciplinary science of NASA's Earth Observing System
- Penn State University - The College of Earth & Mineral Sciences is dedicated to an understanding of the Earth and our activities on it. Our studies in the earth sciences, fuel sciences and mineral economics make us the Environmental College.
- Resource Development-Wildlife Website - This site focusses on the impact and mitigation of human activities on wildlife. Abstracts, images, relevant links, etc.
- SERC home page - SERC's mission is to increase knowledge of interactions of flora and fauna within the biosphere and specifically surrounding the Chesapeake Bay
- Soil Ecology and Restoration group - Ecological research in restoring Mojave and Sonoran Desert and coastal plant communities. Emphsis in plants and soil systems
- UF Range Science Program - Information (ecosystems, flora, fauna, etc) relating to Florida rangeland ecology by the University of Florida.
- UNESCO World Heritage List - The World Heritage List was established under terms of the Convention Concerning the Protection of World Culture and Natural Heritage adopted in November, 1972
- University of Edinburgh - Ecological Society Home Page - A student run society for the promotion of understanding of ecology.
- University of Missouri-St. Louis - International Center for Tropical Ecology promotes education and research in the study of biodiversity, conservation, and the sustainable use of tropical ecosystems.
- University of Washington - Wetland Ecosystem Team (WET) conducts research on wetland ecology and restoration, focusing particularily on estuaries of the Pacific Northwest.
- Young Scholoars - Aquatic Ecology Team
Deep Ecology Education Project
1430 Willamette St. # 367
Eugene, OR 97401
Ecological Society of America
c/o Dr. Duncan T. Patten
Center for Environmental Studies
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287
Ecology Center of Southern California
P.O. Box 351419
Los Angeles, Ca 90035-9119
International Ecology Society
1471 Barclay St.
St. Paul, MN 55106-1405
International Society for Ecological Economics
P.O. Box 1589
Solomons, MD 20688
International Society for Ecological Modeling
Royal Danish School of Pharmacy
Dept of General Chemistry
2 Universitetsparken DK - 2100
Copenhagen O, Denmark
North Amer. Conference on Christianity and Ecology
POB 14305
San Francisco, CA 94114
Society for Human Ecology
4512 McMurray Drive
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Society for Vector Ecology
P.O. Box 87
Santa Ana, CA 92702
Thorne Ecological Institute
5398 Manhattan Circle
Boulder CO. 80303