- Andrew MacMillen's Home Page Cerro Gordo community near Eugene Oregon
- Center for Maximum Potential Building Systems - A non-profit education, demonstration, and research organization for appropriate technology and sustainable design
- Center for Sustainable Communities - Interdisciplinary education and applied research in sustainability
- Civano: Sustainable Community - Civano is a new Sustainable Community being developed in Tucson, AZ, by the Trust for Sustainable Development and Case Enterprises.
- Community Eco-Design Network (CEN) - Nonprofit organization providing access to materials, expertise and labor for affordable, ecological building projects. Conducts straw bale construction workshops.
- Community Enrichment Center and Adobe Canda Ltd. - A Toronto based umbrella organization of numerous eco-tecnology community based companies i.e. Adobe Canada Ltd., doing cold climate earthen architecture.
- Eagle Lake on Orcas Island - An environmentally sensitive residential real estate development emphasizing preservation, stewardship and architectural integrity.
- EcoVillage at Ithaca - A model sustainable village in Ithaca NY founded in 1991. Goal of 500 residents.
- Eco-Village Information Service - Eco-Village Information Service - The home of the Global Eco-Village Network
- Finn Slough Heritage & Wetland Society - FSHWS is dedicated to living in harmony with the wetlands that surround us while maintaining our unique heritage value.
- GreenSpirit Design/Build Co-operation - Designs and builds homes neighborhoods and communities that are ecologically sound, environmentally kind, socially responsive and sustainable.
- Halifax EcoCity Project - Urban Ecology Australia is an NGO committed to the evolution of ecologically sustaining human settlements
- Hauraki Gulf Islands - Island living in the Hauraki Gulf in Aoteroa/New Zealand
- The HumboldtNation - An educational Non-profit project dedicated to a sustainable future, here in Humboldt and around the globe.
- Permanent Publications - Permaculture - Publishers specialising in Permaculture and related solutions to sustainable living
- PlanetKeepers is a bi-monthly web-zine dedicated to projects, ideas and people online who are networking for the health and well-being of life on Earth to meet the needs of the present while still preserving the health and beauty of this planet for future generations.
- Project 2050 Save Earth has one premise that we can design better communities. We propose complete communitiess linked together with mass transportation built in the sesert with sand and solar power, to help solve world hunger, population, and the environment.
- Saranagati Vedic Community - "Saranagati," is a community based on the principles of "Simple Living and High Thinking".
- Sustainable Communities Network
- Sustainable Life Planning - Helping individuals and groups in their efforts to bring about a sustainable society.
- Sustainable Living - An effort to bring together information on how to LIVE sustainably on a personal level and create a sustainable society.