- Connecting with Nature: Ecopsychology In Action - Ecopsychology resources for personal and global wellness. Activities you can do and teach. Conscious sensory contact with natural system thinking.
- Information for a Changing World - The Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) provides access to data and information on the human dimensions of global environmental change.
- The Interspecies Homepage - Brings artists into nature to create a collaborative vision of humans and animals
- Okefenokee Joe's Natural Education Center - Join Joe on a tour of the Okefenokee Swamp for snakes, alligators, plants and other animals of this beautiful wilderness.
- Oslo University, Norway - The Human Wildlife Project involves people wanting to spend a year in the wilderness, living off what nature gives.
- PlanetKeepers is a bi-monthly web-zine dedicated to projects, ideas and people online who are networking for the health and well-being of life on Earth to meet the needs of the present while still preserving the health and beauty of this planet for future generations.