- Association of Ecosystem Research Centers - AERC advocates the application of ecosystem science to complex environmental questions.
- Center for Conservation Biology - CCB conducts research for the conservation, management, and restoration of biotic diversity.
- Cooperative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology - The aim of the CRC for Freshwater Ecology is to provide the ecological basis for Australian water management.
- Department of Systems Ecology. Stockholm University
- Ecological Technology Centre - The Ecological Technology Centre is dedicated to creating a sustainable earth through responsible technology
- Institute of Aquatic Ecology
- Institute of Terrestrial Ecology - One of four Institutes which form the Centre of Ecology and Hydrology, a part of the UK Natural Environment Research Council, ITE is responsible for research into all aspects of the terrestrial environment and its resources
- Iowa Lakeside Laboratory
- Michigan State University - W.K. Kellogg Biological Station - Terrestrial and aquatic ecology across a range of managed and natural ecosystems in the Great Lakes region.
- National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis - An NFS and California State-funded National Center to foster collaborative and synthetic research on important ecological and environmental issues
- Open University Ecology and Conservation Research Group (ECRG) - Details of our main research areas which includeplant ecology, amphibians and tropical ecology.
- Texas A&M University - Rangeland Ecology and Management
- University of Alaska Fairbanks - Institute of Arctic Biology
- University of Canberra - Applied Ecology Research Group - Ecological research for conservation and resource management.
- University of Geneva - Ecology
- University of Guelph - Cliff Ecology Research Group - ecologists working to solve the mysteries of life on cliffs.
- University of Missouri at St. Louis - Tropical Ecology
- University of Parma - Institute of Ecology
- University of Washington - Wetland Ecosystem Team (WET) - An established group of wetland researchers and students located at the School of Fisheries, as well as faculty, research staff and students from related disciplines and divisions at the University of Washington.
- Washington State Department of Ecology
Institute for Social Ecology
P.O. Box 89
Plainfield, VT 05667