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  • American Society of Safety Engineers - Western PA - A non-profit organization serving the needs of environmental, health and safety professionals
  • Canadian Hydraulics Center - The Canadian Hydraulics Center in Ottawa conducts research into general hydraulic, coastal and river engineering problems using advanced physical and numerical modeling.
  • Compressors - Manufacturer of pre-cooling systems for air compressors energy savings up to 30%.
  • Duke University Center for Hydrologic Science is designed to provide a comprehensive framework for Ph.D. study in the hydrological sciences at Duke University.
  • Environmental Analysis Services - Provides comprehensive consulting services in support of environmental projects.
  • Environmental Science and Engineering - Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Oregon Graduate Insitute, Portland, OR
  • Golder Associates - international group of science and engineering consulting companies providing comprehensive services in support of environmental projects worldwide.
  • INTERA Inc. Environmental Services - An environmental consulting firm, specializing in hydrogeologic site characterization, modeling and remediation
  • Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. - Environmental Engineers, Scientists and Planners assisting industry and government exclusively with environmental management and design for over a century.
  • Mark Tompkins - Environmental Engineering and Science - Environmental research on stream flow, global warming, storm water management.
  • RAI Home Page - Full service environmental engineering. Specialties: Phase I/II/III assessments compliance audits training remedial investigations pollution prevention asbestos and risk assessments.
  • Sam's Environmental Engineering Page - information exchange for Environmental Engineering/Sciences, Groundwater Pollution Control, Stochastic Modeling.
  • Stanford University - John Blume Earthquake Engineering Center A center for research and education in all aspects of earthquake engineering. The center is part of the Department of Civil Engineering at Stanford University.
  • Strategic Resources Group - Executive recruiting firm specializing in environmental engineering.
  • University College Dublin - Energy Research Group is based in the School of Architecture in the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, of University College Dublin. Since 1975, ERG has undertaken research, development, consultancy, education and dissemination activities on energy utilisation in buildings and climate-sensitive architectural design.
  • University College Dublin - THERMIE Home Page aims to provide users with a wide range of energy information resulting from the associated measures of the European Commission's THERMIE programme.
  • University of Wisconsin-Madison - Solar Energy Laboratory is a graduate school laboratory in the Mechanical Engineering Dept. We specialize in the study of solar systems, HVAC systems through both experimentation and simulation using several computer programs that were developed at the SEL.
  • University of Wyoming - Department of Environmental Engineering - A unique combination of basic engineering and chemistry courses.
  • Welcome to the VGS Homepage - Professional Geoenvironmental consulting firm specializing in regulatory compliance issues

    Assoc. of Conservation Engineers
    c/o Alabama Dept. of Conservation
    69 N. Union St., Rm 712
    Montgomery, AL 36130

    Association of Environmental Engineering Professors
    Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering
    Michigan Technological University
    Houghton, MI 49931-1295

Santa Barbara

Discover the city of Santa Barbara, California, the birthplace of Earth Day. A 1969 oil platform blowout off the coast of Santa Barbara led to a wave of environmental laws nationwide. That gave impetus to what we consider now the cornerstones to the modern environmental movement. A year later, the first Earth Day was held followed by the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency. A succession of other laws protecting water, marine life and endangered species followed.