- The Argos System - Provide global data telemtery and geolocation services for environmental projects
- ESRI - Home of the GIS People - The world leader in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) offers software and data to better understand environmental problems and phenomena.
- GeoGraphics Home Pages, Italy - Geographical Information Systems
- Geographic Information Systems for environmental planning - We provide digital photogrammetry and cartography services to build GIS systems.
- GIS & GeoStatistics - "THE" place for geoscientists: all about the ai-geostats mailing list !
- GISL - International GIS, remote sensing and geomatics consultancy - UK based international consultancy company specialising in GIS, remote sensing and geomatics consultancy for environmental, agricultural and rural development projects
- GIS Laboratory - We are working at CNUCE, Institute of Italian National Research Council
- NASA Global Change Master Directory contains over 3000 data set descriptions representing Earth science data held nationally and internationally, across agencies, universities, and research centers.
- Natural Resources Development Centre - Trinity College, Ireland - The NRDC is concerned with the use of GIS, GPS and multimedia in environmental and rural development.
- Southwestern Colorado Data Center - Non-profit providing public access to GIS data for Colorado
- University of California, Santa Barbara - National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis