- Alfred Wegener Institute
- Bermuda Biological Station for Research
- Center for Coastal and Land-Margin Research (CCALMR)
- Dalhousie University - Dept. of Oceanography specializes in graduate education and research in the fields of physical, chemical, biological, fisheries, geological and geophysical oceanography and atmospheric science.
- Davidson Laboratory is a Hydrodynamic and Ocean Engineering Reseach Center that provides marine craft development and testing, research in erosion, shore protection, and coastal pollution.
- DTU Denmark - Department of Ocean Engineering
- Greece's National Centre for Marine Research - The NCMR is a governmental research institution involved with basic research in all fields of the marine and freshwater environments.
- Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution - Scientists and engineers at this not-for-profit institution a involved in marine science research and education, biomedical science, aquaculture and ocean engineering
- Hobart Marine Laboratories
- Institute of Marine Safety Auditors - Federal Incorperation, not for profit corperation, dealing with all aspects of marine operations auditing. Marine Management Systems Audits, technical in house expertise, including major environmental experts.
- Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, Deacon Laboratory
- Japan Marine Science and Technology Center (JAMSTEC)
- Marine Research Institute in Iceland does marine and oceanic research on the oceans surrounding Iceland.
- Mississippi State - Center for Air Sea Technology
- MIT - Center for Meteorology and Physical Oceanography
- NASA GSFC - Oceans and Ice Branch
- NATO SACLANTCEN Undersea Research Center's mission is to conduct undersea research to assist SACLANT and other MNCs in their mission. The Centre will concentrate on areas that have potential application for the detection, classification, and localization of submarines and for mine warfare.
- OCEANIC at Univ of Delaware
- Ocean Sciences Research Institute - The Ocean Sciences Research Institute is a private, nonprofit institution focused on basic and applied research in the marine sciences.
- ODU's Department of Oceanography
- Old Dominion University - Center For Coastal Physical Oceanography
- Polish Academy of Science - Institute of Oceanology
- Royal Meteorological Society is the national society in the United Kingdom for all interetsed in meteorology and physical oceanography.
- Scripps Institution of Oceanography
- SOEST Satellite Oceanography Lab
- Stellwagen Bank Sea Floor Mapping Project is an organized effort to map the surficial geology of Stellwagen Bank using side-scan sonar, video, camera and grab sample data.
- Texas A&M University - Ocean Engineering Home Page
- Texas A&M University - Department of Oceanography>
- University of Alaksa Fairbanks School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences - The U of A School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences offers undergraduate and graduate programs in marine and fisheries science.
- University of Colorado - Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
- University of Cape Town - Oceanography
- University of Hawaii, Manoa - School of Ocean & Earth Science & Technology
- University of Miami - Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science
- University of Southern California - Sea Grant - University-based marine science research and education program
- University of South Florida - Center for Ocean Technology contains engineering support of marine science research, Autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) and mine countermeasures.
- University of Southern Mississippi - Marine Sciences
- University of Tokyo - Ocean Research Insitute
- University of Trieste - Oceanology and Environmental Geophysics
- University of Washington - Ocean and Fishery Sciences
- University of Washington - Oceanography
- University of Washington - Oceanography: Mid-Ocean Ridge Processes
- World Data Center A for Marine Geology & Geophysics is responsible for all types of data from the seafloor, including both in-situ measurements such as seafloor cores, and remotely sensed data such as marine magnetics, gravity, seismic reflection/refraction, and bathymetry.