- The American Institute of Urban and Regional Affairs - The only non-governmental association dedicated specifically to advancing sustainable development as a field of professional practice
- Associates in Rural Development, Inc. - Consulting services in international development, GIS, GPS, and information management services.
- Atak Trucking - ATAK offers recycled construction materials at wholesale prices including delivery of Recycled Stone, RCA, Recrushed Concrete, Recrushed Asphalt. Recycled materials are available for delivery in bulk (20 ton minimum) to Staten Island and the following Counties in New Jersey; Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Monmouth, Morris, Ocean, Passaic, Somerset, Sussex, Union, Warren, and Upper Burlington. Recycled stone is available for pick-up at our East Brunswick, NJ location.
- Business Council for Sustainable Development - Latin America - The Business Council for Sustainable Development - Latin America (BCSD-LA) is a private organization whose mission is to promote leadership for change towards sustainable development in our continent.
- CARC Home Page - CARC, a national public interest organization doing research, advocacy and public information on Arctic sustainable and equitable development.
- CARE is the world largest NGO in the field of international relief and development.
- Center for Economic and Social Studies on the Environment - CESSE works on sustainable development indicators and resources, green accounting, EIA, air pollution and modelling.
- The Center for Regenerative Studies - A CSU Pomona-based setting for education, demonstration and research in self-sustaining technologies.
- Center of Excellence for Sustainable Development - Provides information and consulting to U.S. communities on sustainable development techniques. Databases, publications, articles, success stories online.
- Centre for Sustainable Technology - A Scottish Centre for Sustainable technology with a diverse set of companies working to a common goal.
- Communications for a Sustainable Future (CSF) operates many mailing lists related to the topics of sustainability, the environment, and related social issues.
- Cottonwood Foundation - A small foundation giving grants to grassroots groups worldwide that protect the environment, empower people and promote cultural diversity.
- Coyote's Way - Alternatives to Environmental Destruction. Environmental events and issues in the Cascadia bioregion.
- Delft University - Interduct Clean Technology Institute serves as contact between 'the outside world' and groups within the University that conduct research in the environmental field.
- Earth Pledge Foundation is a non-profit organization promoting Sustainable Development
- Ecotrust is a private, nonprofit organization established in 1991 to promote conservation-based development, beginning in the temperate rain forests of North America.
- ERIN - Integrating Environment and Development - The Environmental Resources Information Network [ERIN] aims to provide geographically related data of an extent, quality and availability required for planning and decision making.
- Findhorn Foundation In Scotland, we are an educational charity and international, spiritual community. We are developing as an eco-village.
- Foundation for Global Sustainability - An environmental advocacy/activist group for the East Tennessee and Southern Appalachian region.
- Global Environmental Options - GEO supports the creation of sustainable buildings and communities through education, integrated environmental planning and coalition building.
- Green CrossRoads - A non-aligned, global networking organisation building sustainable partnerships.
- Green Parties of North America are working in communities and in politics at all levels for a world that's nonviolent, socially just, ecologically sane, and truly democratic.
- ILSR WWW Home Page - Nonprofit working on environmentally sound economic development strategies.
- Integrating Environment and Development - Ecologically Sustainable Development in Australia - an index to documents and WWW information on Australia's approach to sustainable development.
- International Institute for Resource Management - Focus on reconciling Scientific and Ecological learning for sustainable development
- Joiners' Quarterly - Magazine focusing on timber framing and sustainable construction - we also have a building school
- The Latin American Alliance - Its mission is sudevelop environmental and sustainable information for Latin American
- Menominee Sustainable Development Institute - The Menominee have created a powerfull example of a sustainable society that lives in the modern world.
- Millennium Institute - Millennium Institute provides tools to help nations achieve sustainability and reports on the state of the world.
- National Wildlife Federation's International Office - Confronts worldwide threats to wildlife, wetlands, clean water andother environmental values
- Native Hawaiian Advisory Council Water Rights into Reality
- Northwest Environment Watch - Northwest Environment Watch's mission is to foster a sustainable economy in the Northwest to provide an example for the world.
- O2W3 contains green design, environmental product design, design for the environment, ecodesign, greener product development.
- OneWorld Online is the world's largest independent Web site devoted exclusively to sustainable development and is the Internet's meeting place for everyone who is interested in global themes, such as peace, justice, development and human rights
- Resource Guide for Straw Bale Construction
- San Diego Green Office Design - San Diego companies that want to reduce their emissions and use of fossil fuels need solutions that are both environmentally friendly and cost effective. A well planned approach to greening your office is one that saves energy, reduces waste, and improves sustainability.
- Stockholm Environment Institute - Boston Center - SEI-B develops and applies methods for sustainable development.
- Sustainable Communities Network of Nova Scotia The mandate of the SCN is to promote a vision of resilient communities which are environment and people friendly. In this vision, communities have a healthy and diverse economic, social and cultural life, and a measure of self-reliance. The SCN promotes this vision by facilitating information exchange, educational opportunities and cooperation among groups and individuals with an interest in sustainable communities.
- Sustainable Development DIMENSIONS - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
- Sustainable Development Institute - An environmental think and action tank exploring sustainability programs for island communities.
- Sustainable Development Online is the home of the Chattanooga Tennessee Sustainable Technology Forum. Host of the January Presidents Council on Sustainable Development and soon to be home of the PCSD's ongoing information.
- Sustainable Development Research Institute - Interdisciplinary research-how our environment, the economy and society can better work together. Partnerships with industries, interational organizations, and NGOs.
- Sustainable Living - An effort to bring together information on how to LIVE sustainably on a personal level and create a sustainable society.
- Sustainable Technologies Inc. - STI is committed to the commercialization of key sustainable tech using bioconversion technology as a simple solution
- Sustainable TIMES on-line newspaper - An alternative environmental newspaper on sustainability issues, green economics and natural living. Includes action ideas and success stories.
- Teen Summer Community Service - VISIONS Service Adventures offers programs for teenagers that combine community service, cross-cultural immersion, and outdoor adventure both in the US & international locations. Projects include construction and non-construction and include eco-friendly and sustainable developments for communities across the globe.
- The Trust for Sustainable Development - The Trust is a not-for-profit federally chartered Canadian corporation specializing in building Sustainable Communities.
- Union for Sustainable Development - Environmental group concerned with the ecological view point
- University of Arizona - The International Arid Lands Consortium is an independent, nonprofit research organization supporting ecological sustainability in arid and semiarid lands worldwide.
- University of British Columbia - LFB Eco-Research Project - An interdisciplinary research project investigating
- University of Kentucky - Institute for the Environment and Sustainable Development - An organization dedicated to promoting multidisciplinary analysis and research on needs, causes, and consequences of development.
- University of Oregon - The Oregon Land Use Information Center is dedicated to providing information about Oregon's land use program
- University of Oregon - Coyote's Way Alternatives to Environmental Destruction. Environmental events and issues in the Cascadia bioregion.
- University of Virginia - Yellow Mountain Institute for Sustainable Living offers an introduction to low-cost, sustainable building techniques, such as rammed-earth tire, straw-bale, and cordwood construction, and to a variety of alternative energy systems.
- We The People's School of Sustainability - We The People is a membership organization dedicated to political reform and social justice
- World Conservation Monitoring Centre - The World Conservation Monitoring Centre is a non-profit organization working in the field of nature conservation through the its sustainable development. It maintains the official 'red lists' of endangered plant and animal species, etc.
- Yellow Mountain Institute for Sustainable Living - offers an introduction to low-cost, sustainable building techniques, such as rammed-earth tire, straw-bale, and cordwood construction, and to a variety of alternative energy systems.