- Exmouth Permaculture Home Page - Information on the activites and projects of Exmouth Permaculture group
- The HumboldtNation - An educational Non-profit project dedicated to a sustainable future, here in Humboldt and around the globe.
- Permanent Publications - Permaculture - Publishers specialising in Permaculture and related solutions to sustainable living
- Bay Area Permaculture Group - A Northern California group promoting Permaculture and Sustainable Development through hands-on workshops, apprenticeships, and special events.
- Permaculture Community Action Worknet - PCAW is a non-profit corporation and educational organization with charitable status. We organize and deliver permaculture courses and workshops.
- Permaculture International - Publishers of the world's foremost magazine on the topic, Permaculture International Journal
- Permaculture Resources - Publish and Distribute Books and Tapes about Permaculture and Sustainable Development.
- Permaville - Permanent Village Design - Volunteer in Dominican Republic - Permaville is a tool to design a Permanent Village in your community. Take our course online or volunteer in Munoz, Dominican Republic to learn how to turn your community into paradise.