Home / Water Resources / Groundwater / Products and Services
  • Bac-Ground is an independent groundwater consultant specializing in groundwater modeling. Also perform data analyses and interpretation, peer review, and expert witness. Available for international environmental work. Fluent English/Spanish.
  • Bannister Research & Consulting - Groundwater and water supply exploration, development and testing. Owners of the Groundwater Mailing List .
  • Donald E. Shaw, P.E. - Groundwater modelling and analysis, dewatering, contaminant transport, environmental fate, well test interpretation
  • EarthSoft - markets ground and surface water data management systems with interfaces to Department of Defense's Groundwater Modeling System, ArcView2, borehole systems, etc.
  • Environmental HydroSystems, Inc. - Environmental system analysis, software development, the ENVIROMOD groundwater/porous media environmental software respository, and the Open Environmental Software Foundation.
  • ES&T Home Page - Assesment, Remedial Strategies, Litigation Support, Modeling Software, Animation, WEB Services
  • EWRE Ltd. Homepage - Environmental and Water Resources Engineering, Model and Software Development, Research and Development
  • Geraghty & Miller,Inc. is an environmental firm with a publishing subsidiary, Water Information Center.
  • Ground-Water Remediation Technologies Analysis Center (GWRTAC) - The GWRTAC was established through a cooperative agreement between the U.S. EPA and the Center for Hazardous Materials Research (CHMR) to facilitate in the transfer of innovative ground-water remediation technology information.
  • INTERA Inc. - Hydrogeology consulting firm, specializing in modeling and remediation
  • Interactive Remote Instructional System (IRIS) - IRIS Program provides distance learning courses in Subsurface Hydrology and is connected to Wright State University's Center for Ground Water Management.
  • Keck Instruments, Inc. - Manufactures groundwater monitoring, sampling, and remediation equipment plus geophysical instruments. Serving international clients. Related equipment rental in continental US.
  • Nations Groundwater Associates - Specializing in soil and ground-water contamination problems, exploration and development of ground-water resources, and expert witness and litigation support services.
  • Scientific Software Group - Groundwater, Surface-Water, Air Pollution, and other Environmental Software
  • Soil & Groundwater Cleanup - Magazine of soil and groundwater cleanup
  • S.S. Papadopulos & Associates, Inc. Groundwater Page - Environmental & Water-Resource Consultants, Ground-Water & Soil Remediation, Computer Modeling of Ground-Water Systems.
  • TRI-S Environmental - Cleanup level determination, remediation design, site closure, environmental engineering, and water resources.

Santa Barbara

Discover the city of Santa Barbara, California, the birthplace of Earth Day. A 1969 oil platform blowout off the coast of Santa Barbara led to a wave of environmental laws nationwide. That gave impetus to what we consider now the cornerstones to the modern environmental movement. A year later, the first Earth Day was held followed by the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency. A succession of other laws protecting water, marine life and endangered species followed.