Home / Employment / Environmental Resumes
  • Conservation Biologist - M.S. in Conservation Biology, B.S. in Environmental Science, interests in habitat-level conservation in the mid-Atlantic, especially avian and wetland conservation
  • Environmental Chemist - Douglas M. Chatham - M.S. Chemist, specialist in reducing the cost of environmental investigations.
  • Aquatic Biologist/Project Manager - Ph.D. in Aquatic Sciences (Limnology) specialist in biomonitoring, water quality, aquatic toxicology, environmental impact and risk assessment.
  • Environmental Compliance Professional - M.S. Environmental Engineering, Regulatory compliance, specializing in RCRA, EPCRA, HMTA, and P ². Experiance in gov. contract procurement.
  • Environmental Engineer - Abshalome Reuben - M.S. - Environmental Engineering, specializing in Solid & Hazardous Waste Management & Site Remeditaion
  • Environmental Engineer - Ali Niktab - B.Sc. in chemistry, M.Sc. in Environmental Engineering, Experiences in Lab. and hazardous wastes.
  • Environmental Studies Consultant - Rick Lavigor - Hon B.A.. in Environmental Studies, specialist in environmental law and impact assessments.
  • Water/Soil/Geology/Wetlands/Geophysics - Thomas Barry - 6 years Environmental Consulting, M.S. Geology Wetlands, Soil & Groundwater, Geophysics & Meteorology, Planning & Project Management.
  • Environmental Engineer/Scientist - Samuel S.W. Lee - Seeking a position in Engineer or PhD student of Environmental Engineering or Sciences, BS in Agricultral Engineering, MS in Environmental Engineering and Groundwater pollution control with emphasis on modeling, remediation.
  • Environmental Technologist - Diploma in Environmental Technology, apecializing in air & water sampling / monitoring.
  • Wildlife Biologist - Marci Johnson - BA University of Colorado - Experience with Black Bears, Brown Bears, Cougars, Sea Turtles, Dolphins, Atlantic Shorebirds, Radio Telemetry, GIS, GPS ...
  • Environmental Professional - Karen Fitting- J.D., M.S. Environmental and Occupational Health, available for research projects, training sessions and Internet communications development and administration.
  • Environmental/Municipal Engineer - George Czajkowski - Experienced (9.5 years) Environmental Engineer specializing in water treatment and distribution, wastewater collection and treatment and leachate management.
  • Environmental Technologist - Specialized in air & water sampling.
  • Environmental Engineer - Lara Hughes - MS in Environmental Engineering from Caltech, emphasis on air quality/air pollution
  • Environmental Engineer - Carla MacQuarrie - 4th year student in Environmental engineering a promising, capable and self-motivated worker
  • Environmental/Civil Engineer - Kevin Kai - M.S. in Environmental Engineering.
  • Environmental Engineer - B.S. Degree Civil/Environmental Engineering, Computer Specialist
  • Environmental Scientist - Brandon Bowman - B.Sc. in Environmental Science, seeking position in R & D of environmental remediation
  • Environmental Site Assessments - Registered Professional Engineer - Have conducted hundreds of site assessments for Oil & Gas, Manufacturing, and Commerical facilities.
  • Environmental/Process Engineer - Five years Environmental/Processing experience & M.S. in Civil Engineering--S.L. Reitz has what you need!
  • Forest Management Consultant - Gary Barrett - Master of Forestry Degree, specialist in tropical forest management, forest policy, and urban forestry.
  • Chemical / Environmental Engineer - Professional Engineer with 16 years helping industry comply the safety and environmental regulations
  • Chemical/Environmental Engineering Consultant - Ronald F. Smith, P.E. - Twenty-four years of diversified Chemical and Environmental Engineering Experience
  • Environmental Science / Geology - B.S. Degree in Environmental Science with a minor in Geology, GIS experience, research in constructed wetlands.
  • Environmental Health Scientist - M.S. Environ. Health, probabilistic risk assessment and toxicokinetic modeling
  • Environmental/Chemical Engineer - Tyler Kinkade - 4th year student in Chemical/Environmental Engineering at University of Colorado
  • Environmental manager - M.S. Natural Resouces Management, University of Alaska Fairbanks, with international research experience
  • Environmental Consultant - B.S. Degree in Ecology, specialist in environmental impact assessment and management of wilderness areas
  • Project Manager or Health/Safety - Accomplished California Environmental Professional. Studying for MS in Occupational Safety Engineering
  • Urban Environmental Planner and Manager - Rajesh Sharma - B. Arch. and masters in Urban Environmental Management
  • Ecologist/Conservation Biologist - Erik C. Jackson - B.S. in Biology/Ecology, recent graduate from NMSU with lots of experience in plant physiology and ecology.
  • Environmental science or engineering position - Bachelor's in Environmental Science, environmental engineering emphasis. Bioremediation and variety of analytical methods experience.
  • GIS Specialist - Bob Wheeler - B.S. Natural resource manager, specialist in spatial anaylsis
  • Writing & Editing Services - Available for contract: experienced technical writer/editor, scientific background, specializing in environment/energy. Journal articles, white papers, proposals, etc.
  • Quantitative Ecologist - M.S. in Terrestrial Ecology emphasizing Biometrics, B.S. in Mathematics, research involved multivariate analysis of songbird habitat.
  • Forester - Graduate SUNY-ESF 1996 B.S. in Environmental and Forest Biology and B.S. in Resource Management (Forestry) Experience in GIS analysis.
  • Biologist/Herpetologist/Ecologist - Ken Boykin - M.S. Ecology, specializing in riparian, aquatic and terrestrial biological surveys.
  • Environmental/Safety Engineer - MS Env. Engineering - 7 years of DOD/Aerospace experience. Looking for remediation, air quality, industrial compliance work.
  • Environmental Resource Managment/Soil Science - B.S. Degree in Environmental Resource Management with a technical focus in soil and water relationships. Seeking entry level position.
  • Internship in Biology or Environment - Edwin Price - Sophmore student at Kalamazoo College majoring in Biology and Environmental Studies.
  • Environmental/Mechanical Engineer - Richard Shih - M.S. Degree in Mechanical Engineering, interested in energy technology or air quality problems.
  • Environmental Scientist - Chris Woodhams - B.S. Degree in Environmental Science from Virginia Tech with concentrations in waste management and soils.
  • Environmental Policy / Administration (Economic Focus) - BA - Double major in Environmental Studies & Economics
  • Waste Management/Regulatory Compliance Specialist - Terry Alber - MS Environmental Science, specializing in innovative solutions to today's complex Waste Management dilemmas and Regulatory environment
  • GIS/RS Specialist - Jason Hine - B.S. Natural Resource Management specializing in Remote Sensing/GIS
  • Environmental Assesment Worker, Sustainable Development Planner - I have an extremely broad, international exposure along with a very good scientific degree which allows me to view environmental problems in an unique manner.
  • Industrial Hygiene / Environmental - Looking for an Industrial Hygiene and/or Environmental position. Also highly qualified in safety.
  • Environmental Engineer - I will be completing my Masters of Science in December of 1996 At N.C. A & T State University.
  • Environmental Activist - Scott G. Randall - BA (Gettysburg College '97), need exciting entry level environmental position pertaining to any environmental area.
  • Environmental Engineer - Chad Berthelson - B.S. & M.S. Degrees in Biological (Environmental) Engineering with 5+ years of responsible experience in a consulting setting.
  • Environmental Consultant Engineer - Ph.D.- EnvE.(Northwestern U.), MSc (Japan), Multilingual, Computer Modeling, Water & Wastewater Treatment, Travel/relocate
  • Environmental Engineer - 15 yr. construction/industry experience plus new B.Sc. in Environmental Engineering.
  • Environmental/Civil Engineer - Entry level knowledge of Groundwater pollution, GIS analysis, Waste Management, surface water quality modeling, remediation.
  • Environmental Scientist - B.S. in Biology with minors in Geology and Chemistry, and M.S (May, 1997) Environmental Science, expertise in Haz. Waste Management, Environ. Health, and Pollution Prevention (P2).
  • Environmental/Civil/Waste Management Engineer - Expertise: RI/FS, Remedial Design, Remediation, Treatability Studies, R&D and Project Management-DOE, EPA, Commercial and DOD Project Experience-Numerous Awards.
  • Environmental Engineer - MS in Environmental Engineering, specialist in treatment/remediation, saftey, risk and environmental management
  • Fisheries Biologist - . Alphonse L MacDonald, spanish & english speaker. BS w/honors certificate in Fisheries. 4 years private, federal and international experiance. Seeks related employment.
  • Environmental Management and Consultant - Program Compliance, Development, Implementation, Contracts Administration, Indutrial Hygiene, Safety
  • Environmental Scientist/Air Quality Analyst - B.Sc. Meteorology from University of Alberta, Canada. Specialization Certificate in Environmental Physical Sciences (May 1997). Plume modelling, air quality data analysis and analytical laboratory experience.
  • Environmental Geologist/Hydrogeologist/Engineer, Project Manager - John J. Hnat, CPG - Environmental specialist in geology, hydrogeology, nuclear, and project management. Proposal writing, compliance, risk based assessment, marketing and business development.
  • Environmental Protection and/or Compliance - If you need someone to keep your company in compliance contact me. I have good commonsense. Read my resume.
  • Waste Management/Regulatory Compliance Specialist - Terry Alber - M.S. Environmental Science specializing in waste management (solid/haz) and regulatory compliance, with extensive communications and computer skills.
  • Environmental Engineer - Ganesh S.Siruvalure - M.S in Environmental Engineering, Experince in Remediation of Soils and Waste and Contaminated Water.
  • Wildlife Biologist - Laura Ellis- MS Wildlife Mgmt, Humboldt State. 5 yrs. experience. GIS used extensively. Supervisory exp. Proposals funded. Livetrapping, detection stations, GPS, radiotelemetry, surveys.
  • Environmental Engineer/Tech. - Clark C. Collins, Dec. '96 graduate Univ. of Florida seeking position in northcenteral Florida.
  • Environmental Engineer - Project Manager - Eight years of environmental engineering experience project management, water and wastewater engineering, CERCLA/RCRA remediation, geology, hydrogeology.
  • Conservation Biology/Wildlife Management - M.E.S. Geography Endangered Species, especially amphibians and reptiles Ecological Approaches to Parks and Protected Areas Planning B.Sc. Zoology Stream Ecology, Wildlife Mangement, especially waterfowl, Statistics.
  • Environmental Economist - George Silva, seeks summer employment as an environmental economist. Master's student in environmental policy and management at Yale.
  • Environmental Engineer - Eight years of environmental engineering experience. Areas of expertise include: project management, water and wastewater engineering, geology, hydrogeology.
  • Environmental Engineer - Sapna Patel-M.S. Degree in Environmental Engineering with emphasis on drinking water treatment and corrosion mitigation.
  • Environmental Engineer/Technician - Ganesh S.Siruvalure - M.S Degree in Civil & Environmental Engineering. Specialist in Soil & Water bioremediation
  • Environmental Analyst - M. Env. Mgmt / M. Public Policy - Duke University. Experienced in GIS, spatial analysis, policy, economic & statistical analysis, watershed modeling. Excellent writing skills.
  • Environmental Educator/Administrator - Jennifer Cofer -- B.S. in Natural Resources, specialize in program administration, environmental curriculum development, engaging youth in environmental service work.
  • Alternative Energy/Thermodynamics Engineer - Stephen Welty - B.S. Degree in Mechanical Engineering and B.A. in International Studies. Worked with stirling refrigerators.
  • Environmental Engineer - Jeff Cooper - B.Sc.G.E., experience as environmental consultant with major engineering firm. Primary experience with Phase I, II, III, design, and remediation.
  • Water Resources Management Engineer - B.S. in Biological Systems Eng., GIS/Hydrology specialist.
  • Environmental/Chemical Engineer,Scientist - Prasad P.S.R.V-Ph.D in Chemical Engineering,specialist in air,water.soil pollution abatement.

Santa Barbara

Discover the city of Santa Barbara, California, the birthplace of Earth Day. A 1969 oil platform blowout off the coast of Santa Barbara led to a wave of environmental laws nationwide. That gave impetus to what we consider now the cornerstones to the modern environmental movement. A year later, the first Earth Day was held followed by the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency. A succession of other laws protecting water, marine life and endangered species followed.