- About.com - Animals & wildlife
- African Wildlife Foundation - A virtual encyclopedia about the Wildlife of Africa
- Arctic Wildlife - Arctic Studies Center - Arctic Studies Center's offers an introduction to the survival skills of birds and mammals of the north polar region.
- Australian Wildlife Trade and Conservation - Department of sustainability, environment, water, population and communities
- BBC - Nature - Information about animals and the natural world. Includes facts and images for hundreds of species, videos, and games.
- Critter Ridder Texas - Humane, no-kill animal control solutions for home owners in the Austin TX area.
- Defenders of Wildlife - Defenders of Wildlife is dedicated to the protection of all native wild animals and plants in their natural communities.
- Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund - Founded in February 2001, Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund provides the wildlife conservation community with a voice in the legislative and political process. The Defenders Action Fund focuses on strengthening conservation policies with focused legislative and electoral efforts. Mission Statement: The Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund provides a powerful voice in Washington to Americans who value our conservation heritage. Through grassroots lobbying, issue advocacy and political campaigns, the Action Fund champions those laws and lawmakers that protect wildlife and wild places while working against those that do them harm.
- Earthdeck - Wildlife spotting locations - Find the best places to see wildlife with a map of 50 Million wildlife observations. Find moose, wolves, elk, or any other species you want. Earthdeck is the best way to find animals in the wild.
- eNature: America's Wildlife Resource - eNature.com is the web's premier destination for information about the wild animals and plants of the United States. Over past years, eNature has consistently been one of the Internet' most-visited sites for nature and wildlife information and has won numerous awards and accolades. The site's core content of wildlife information about almost 6,000 individual species is the same data set used to create the printed Audubon Field Guides. All the data has been carefully reviewed and vetted by leading biologists, zoologists and other natural history specialists.
- The Humane Society - The Humane Society of the United States is the nation's largest and most effective animal protection organization—backed by 11 million Americans, or one in every 28. Established in 1954, The HSUS seeks a humane and sustainable world for all animals—a world that will also benefit people. We are America's mainstream force against cruelty, exploitation and neglect, as well as the most trusted voice extolling the human-animal bond.
- International Field Guides - Includes listing of field guides for plants and animals from regions outside of North America.
- International Wildlife Adventures - Since 1994 International Wildlife Adventures have been providing top-quality nature tours, adventure cruises and photo safaris to thousands of enthusiastic travelers from around the world.
- International Wildlife Media Center & Film Festival - Our mission is to promote awareness, knowledge and understanding of wildlife, habitat, people and nature through excellence in film, television, and other media. The International Wildlife Film Festival was established in 1977 in Missoula, Montana. In 2002, it became The International Wildlife Media Center & Film Festival and two years later, launched the Montana CINE International Film Festival as a complementary event to the annual International Wildlife Film Festival, the first juried wildlife film festival in the world.
- Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy - To address legal and political issues concerning the human race's interrelationship with and management of wildlife species, their habitats, and the biosphere.
- JungleWalk - Collection of links to thousands of animal multimedia sites, organized by common name or by taxonomic group.
- National Fish and Wildlife Foundation - The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation is made up of 80 professional staff in four offices across the country: Washington, D.C.; St. Paul, MN; Portland, OR; and San Francisco, CA. Our Board of Directors is made up of 30 members, all confirmed by the White House.
- National Wildlife Federation - The National Wildlife Federation works to inspire Americans to protect wildlife for our children's future. As the nation's largest conservation organization, NWF and its 4 million supporters are committed to sustaining the nature of America for the benefit of people and wildlife.
- National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association - Dedicated to improving and promoting the profession of wildlife rehabilitation and its contributions to preserving natural ecosystems. The NWRA is incorporated for the support of the science and profession of wildlife rehabilitation and its practitioners. Wildlife rehabilitation is the treatment and temporary care of injured, diseased and displaced indigenous wildlife and the subsequent return of healthy animals to appropriate habitats in the wild.
- Nature.Net - Forums on bird watching, butterflies, herps, and miscellaneous outdoor activities.
- Nature-Wildlife Images - Wildlife images and photos, photography of African, USA, Chincoteague, Blackwater, Hog island, Kruger National Park, Mikuzi, Ndumo, mammals, animals, birds, skeletons, behavior.
- Oiled Wildlife Care Network - The OWCN is the world's only oiled wildlife response organization boasting more than 25 different members comprised of world-class aquaria, universities, scientific organizations and rehabilitation groups. Established in 1994 by the Department of Fish and Game’s Office of Spill Prevention and Response (OSPR) as a result of the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska, it is currently administered by the UC Davis Wildlife Health Center in the School of Veterinary Medicine.
- Project Wildlife - Since 1972, Project Wildlife's dedicated volunteers have given injured, orphaned and sick wild animals a second chance at life. This commitment to helping wild animals has grown tremendously and Project Wildlife is now one of the largest wildlife rehabilitation organizations in the country. Our medical staff and volunteers now assist over 10,000 birds and mammals representing over 320 species each year.
- Radio Safari Home Page - Radio Safari - non profit community radio dedicated to conservation and wildlife.
- Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network - A nonprofit, volunteer group that rescues and rehabilitates injured wild birds and small mammals in Santa Barbara County, California.
- U.S.D.A Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service - The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service is a multi-faceted Agency with a broad mission area that includes protecting and promoting U.S. agricultural health, regulating genetically engineered organisms, administering the Animal Welfare Act and carrying out wildlife damage management activities. These efforts support the overall mission of USDA, which is to protect and promote food, agriculture, natural resources and related issues.
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Home page of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, a Bureau in the Department of Interior. Our mission is, working with others to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife, and plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people.
- U.S.G.S National Wildlife Health Center - The National Wildlife Health Center (NWHC) is a science center of the Biological Resources Discipline of the United States Geological Survey. The NWHC was established in 1975 as a biomedical laboratory dedicated to assessing the impact of disease on wildlife and to identifying the role of various pathogens in contributing to wildlife losses. The mission of the National Wildlife Health Center is to serve the nation and its natural resources by providing sound science and technical support, and to disseminate information to promote science-based decisions affecting wildlife and ecosystem health. The NWHC provides information, technical assistance, research, education, and leadership on national and international wildlife health issues.
- Watchable Wildlife, Inc. - Watchable Wildlife, Inc., is a nonprofit organization that puts you in touch with the most up-to-date strategies for providing positive wildlife viewing experiences.
- Wildlife Alliance - Wildlife Alliance’s mission is to protect and preserve forests and wildlife for future generations. We believe that the protection of the world’s wildlife and wild places is both feasible and essential to ensuring that human communities and wildlife survive into the coming millennia. In developing strategies to conserve wildlife and habitats, we look at the entire picture.
- Wildlife Conservation Network - Wildlife Conservation Network is dedicated to protecting endangered species and preserving their natural habitats. We support innovative strategies for people and wildlife to co-exist and thrive.
- Wildlife Conservation.org - Careers, Societies, Sanctuaries, Parks/Zoos
- Wildlife Conservation Society - Organization managing national and international conservation projects, research and education programs.
- The Wildlife Experience - The Wildlife Experience is an educational and entertaining museum that connects visitors with wildlife and habitats in a fun learning environment! A unique blend of interactive exhibits, large format film, fine art, natural history and community educational programs and events is unrivaled and provides The Wildlife Experience the opportunity to present information on the world’s wildlife and ecosystems that encourages discovery and understanding through fun and entertainment.
- Wildlife Forever - America's leading all-species conservation charity. For decades Wildlife Forever has been working to ensure healthy sustainable populations of all kinds of fish and wildlife. With successful conservation projects in every state, no matter which species is your favorite, chances are Wildlife Forever has been there to help.
- Wildlife Information Directory - A directory of wildlife information sites on the web, categorized by animal.
- Wildlife Land Trust - The Humane Society Wildlife Land Trust protects wildlife by preserving natural habitats and permanent sanctuaries. Land owners who have property that provides valuable wildlife habitat know that such lands are rapidly disappearing to development and other exploitative uses. Refusing to sell to those who would destroy the land is an admirable, but temporary, defense against unwanted changes to the land and disruption or destruction to the wildlife it harbors. Permanent protection of both land and wildlife is possible, though, and that is what the Wildlife Land Trust enables landowners to achieve.
- Wildlife Management Institute - WMI was established in 1911 by sportsmen/businessmen gravely concerned about the dramatic declines of many wildlife populations. WMI works mostly on request with federal and provincial agencies, Congress, college and university researchers and educators, other private conservation organizations, and professional associations. It advises, testifies and, in a variety of other ways, provides educational services on timely wildlife-related issues.
- Wildlife Science Center - WSC was founded as a federally funded research facility in 1976, in order to observe and document the physiology and behavior of a captive population of gray wolves.
- The Wildlife Society - The Wildlife Society (TWS), founded in 1937, is an international, professional non-profit scientific association dedicated to excellence in wildlife stewardship through science and education.
- Wildlife - Wikipedia - Wildlife includes all non-domesticated plants, animals and other organisms.
- Wildlife World Zoo & Aquarium - Wildlife World Zoo has Arizona's largest collection of exotic animals with over 2400 individual animals representing more than 400 exotic and endangered species.
- World Wide Fund for Nature - Germany - The official homepage of WWF-Germany
- World Wildlife Fund - Wildlife Conservation - The leading organization in wildlife conservation and endangered species.
- The WWF Global Network - Comprehensive environmental news and information.
- Yellowstone National Park
Wildlife - The Wildlife of Yellowstone National Park, brought to you by Yellowstone Net, the original Yellowstone area online reservations service.
African Wildlife Foundation
1400 Sixteenth Street, N.W.
Suite 120
WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036, U.S.A.
Tel: +1 202 939 3333
Fax: +1 202 939 3332
email: africanwildlife@awf.org
East African Wildlife Society
c/o Acacia Travel
4250 Pacific Hsy., Ste 125
San Diego, CA 92110
Alaska Wildlife Alliance
POB 202022
Anchorage, AK 99520
Assoc. for Conservation Info., Inc.
Dept of Wildlife
P.O. Box 10678
Reno, NV 89520
Awareness of Wildlife & Animal Rights Thru Education
P.O. Box 1954
Des Plaines, IL 60017
Beaver Defenders
Unexpected Wildlife Refuge
P.O. Box 765
Newfield, NJ 08344
Canadian Wildlife Federation
2740 Queensview Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K2B 1A2
Canada-United States Environmental Council
c/o James G. Deane
Defenders of Wildlife
1244 19th ST., NW
Washington, DC 20036
Defenders of Wildlife
1244 19th St. NW
Washington, DC 20036
Felicidades Wildlife Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 490
Waynesville, NC 28786
Game Conservation International
P.O. Box 17444
San Antonio, TX 78217
International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council
4437 Central Pl., Suite B-4
Suisun, CA 94585
Interspecies Communication, Inc.
273 Hidden Meadow Lane
Friday Harbor, WA 98250
Max McGraw Wildlife Foundation
P.O. Box 9
Dundee, IL 60118
National Institute for Urban Wildlife
10921 Trotting Ridge Way
Columbia, MD 21044
National Wildlife Federation
1400 16th St., NW
Washington, DC 20036
National Wildlife Refuge
10824 Fox Hunt Lane
Potomac MD 20854
North American Wildlife
102 Wilmot Rd., Suite 410
Deerfield, IL 60015
North American Wildlife Park Foundation
Wolf Park
Battle Ground, IN 47920
Preserve Wild Santee
9232 Lapeer Ct
Santee (San Diego County), CA 92071 USA
Contact: Van Collinsworth
Phone: 619-448-8407
Fax: 619-448-0890
E-mail: rierdan@cts.com
Foundation for North American Wild Sheep
720 Allen Ave.
Cody, WY 82414
International Snow Leopard Trust
4649 Sunnyside Ave. N., Suite 342
Seattle, WA 98103
Society for Conservation Biology
Dept of Wildlife Ecology
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI 53706
Welder Wildlife Foundation
P.O. Drawer 1400
Sintonj, TX 7838
Wilderness Inquiry
1313 Fifth St. SE, Box 84
Minneapolis, MN 55414
The Wilderness Society
900 Seventeenth St., NW
Washington, DC 20006
Wildlife Conservation International
New York Zoological Society
185th St. & Southern Blvd.
Bronx, NY 10460
Wildlife Disease Association
P.O. Box 886
Ames, IA 50010
Wildlife Habitat
Enhancement Council
1010 Wayne Ave., Suite 1240
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Wildlife Management
1101 14th St., NW, Suite 725
Washington, DC 20005
Wildlife Preservation Trust
3400 West Girard Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Wildlife Refuge Reform
P.O. Box 18414
Washington, DC 20036-8414
The Wildlife Society
5410 Grosvenor Lane
Bethesda, MD 20814
25 W. Diamond Lake Rd.
Minneapolis, MN 55419