- Birder's Mate - An Interactive Birding Field Guide
- Blue Loon Adventures - We provide guided nature tours, complete itineraries and unique birding opportunities including bird banding at a recognized research station
- Hummingbird Hollow Designs - We help preserve the wild life by building Bird houses and Feeders.
- Nature Net - CD "Atlantic Rainforest Soundscapes" - Nature Net presents the CD "Atlantic Rainforest" with 34 brazilian natural soundscapes produced by Beto Bertolini
- Ramphastos: Bird Identification Software - Now, with the speed and power of your computer, you can identify a bird in seconds, even with only a few keystrokes.
- Thayer Birding Software - Thayer Birding Software makes CD-ROMs and listing programs for birders. Web site has free checklist of US/Canada birds.