Home / Wildlife / Whales
  • British Columbia Killer Whale Adoption Program - Non-profit organization to raise funds for research and conservation of wild killer whales
  • The Cape Cod Dolphin Fleet Whale Watch - The originators of whalewatching on the east coast. Cruises offer whales pelagic birds, Stellwagen Marine Sanctuary.
  • Cetacean Society International Home Page - CSI is an all volunteer, non-profit, conservation, education, and research organization, dedicated to the preservation and protection of all cetaceans.
  • Coastal Ecosystems Research Foundation - Ecological research on grey whales through eco-tourism.
  • Earthtrust - Efficient international dolphin & whale saving organization, plus other species and research
  • European Cetacean Society - Society for the exchange of information on whale and dolphin research.
  • Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary - Federal program designated to protect the humpback whale and its Hawaiian marine habitat
  • International Marine Mammal Project - Works to make oceans safe for marine mammals worldwide. Certifies dolphin-safe tuna. Protects whales.
  • International Wildlife Coalition - An advocacy organization working to preserve wildlife all over the world and home of the Whale Adoption Project.
  • The Interspecies Webpage is the place to find out about communication experiments with wild animals (no labs and pools please) around the world.
  • Marine Mammal Stranding Center - rescue and rehabilitation of stranded marine mammals
  • Northern Right Whale Page - protection of endangered species through litigation, research, stopping killing Northern Right Whale
  • The Oceania Project - The Oceania Project is a non-profit organisation dedicated to raising awareness about Cetacea (Whales and Dolphins) and the Oceans.
  • Sea Shepherd Conservation Society - Direct Action conservation organization involved with marine conservaton and preservation. General marine preservation and law enforcement.
  • Tirpitz; the WWW source of whaling info Through the use of in-depth and balanced texts, pictures, links and video clips, the Tirpitz site tries to present objective or at least balanced info on the heated subject of whaling.
  • Whales on the Net - Discover the Blue whale, the Right whale, Sperm, Humpback, Sei, Fin, Minke, Orca, Dolphins and pick your favourite whale.
  • Whale Rescue Team - Whale Rescue Team is a grass roots organization that rescues and protects marine life. Launches anti-capture campaigns.
  • Whales at Manly Australia - Photos of humpback whale visits to Manly, Sydney, Australia. Also information and history of whaling in Australia.
  • The Whale-Watching-Web - Non-profit organisation to prolong the life of cetaceans as a species
  • Whale Watcher Expert System - Acquired Intelligence Inc is an artificial intelligence software developer. The whale watcher expert system is an online system for the identification of observed whales.

    Pacific Whale Foundation
    Kealia Beach Plaza, Suite 25
    101 North Kihei Road
    Kihei, Maui, HI 96753

    Save the Whales
    1426 Main St., P.O. Box 2397
    Venice, CA 90291

Santa Barbara

Discover the city of Santa Barbara, California, the birthplace of Earth Day. A 1969 oil platform blowout off the coast of Santa Barbara led to a wave of environmental laws nationwide. That gave impetus to what we consider now the cornerstones to the modern environmental movement. A year later, the first Earth Day was held followed by the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency. A succession of other laws protecting water, marine life and endangered species followed.