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  • Castle Country Wildlife Center Inc. - Non profit organization dedicated to helping & preserving Utah's wildlife and parrots.
  • Earth Sanctuaries - The world's first conservation business. It has now successfully reintroduced more species of rare and endangered wildlife, back into the wild, than all the National Parks, Wildlife Services and Zoos of Australia combined.
  • East Maui Animal Refuge's Home Page - Non-profit no-kill refuge, accepts any injured or orphaned animal, including endangered species. Rehabilitation and rerelease of wildlife when possible.
  • Friends of Texas Wildlife - Supporting the network of rehabilitators in East Texas through volunteering, fundraising, and education.
  • The Fund for Animals' Wildlife Rehabilitation Center - Wildlife hospital specializing in birds of prey, mountain lion, and other large mamals native to So. Ca.
  • Katastrofhjälp - Fåglar och Vilt - Swedish organization helping and rehabilitating injured, starving and oil-damaged birds and wild animals.
  • The Marine Mammal Center - We rescue, rehabilitate and release stranded, injured, and orphaned marine mammals. We conduct research and provide education programs.
  • MCHA-Wildlife Rehabilitation Program - Volunteer rehabilitation program associated with the Monroe County Humane Association in Bloomingon, Indiana
  • Olympic Wildlife Rescue - Dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, and release of orphaned and injured wildlife, Links to local centers.
  • Project Wildlife - Non-profit organization dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation and release of sick, injured or orphaned San Diego County wildlife
  • The Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network - Wildlife Rehabilitation Organization, takes in over 2500 animals annually. Oiled seabirds, endangered brown pelicans, raptors and small mammals.
  • Smoky Mountain Wildlife Programs - Rescue, rehabilitation and release of injured wildlife in East Tennessee and the surrounding states. Mobile education programs for the public.
  • South Plains Wildlife Rehabilitation Center - A not-for-profit wildlife rehabilitation center located in Lubbock, Texas.
  • Suisun Wildlife Center - A non-profit membership organization dedicated to the preservation of wildlife in Solano County, CA.
  • Universtiy of Illinois - Wildlife Medical Clinic - Voluntary University of Illinois College of Vet. Med. students doing the medically treating and rehabilitating wildlife.
  • Veterinary Medical Services - Veterinary ecology consulting fish, wildlife, and habitat preservation, natural resource management, wildlife animal welfare Natural systems- restoration, preservation, and sustenenace.
  • Welcome to Tri County Wildlife Care - Non-profit Federal/State Licensed Wildlife Rehabilitation facility.
  • Wildlife Center of Virginia - The leading veterinary teaching and research hospital for native wildlife in North America. Offers interships, training and environmental education.
  • The Wildlife Foundation of the Australian Capital Territory - A voluntary organisation undertaking the specialised care necessary for the rehabilitation of orphaned, sick and injured native birds and animals.
  • Wildlife Haven - Wildlife Haven is a nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering awareness, appreciaition and interest in wildlife through rehabilitation, education and stewardship.
  • Wildlife Rescue Association of B.C. Canada - WRA was established in 1979 in recognition of the increasing need to provide care for orphaned injured and pollution damaged wildife. To date over 28,000 cases representing over 160 species have been brought to us for care..

Santa Barbara

Discover the city of Santa Barbara, California, the birthplace of Earth Day. A 1969 oil platform blowout off the coast of Santa Barbara led to a wave of environmental laws nationwide. That gave impetus to what we consider now the cornerstones to the modern environmental movement. A year later, the first Earth Day was held followed by the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency. A succession of other laws protecting water, marine life and endangered species followed.