- Foreningen Varggruppen - Foreningen Varggruppen is dedicated to the presarvation of free-ranging populations of carnivors (mainly wolves, bears, lynxes, wolverines) in Scandinavia.
- The Lady Wolf - Lots of wolf links and other environmental links.
- Protective Associaton for the Wolf/Wolfdog Den Site - a non-profit organization dedicated to wolf dog owners,owner/public education, preseriving the wild wolf
- Reintroduction of Wolves in Colorado - This homepage contains my Research Project for wolves in CO for an Enviromental Science Class.
- The Searching Wolf - Devoted to information about and the protection of wolves.
- Sinapu -- returning the wolf to Colorado - Sinapu is dedicated to recovery of the gray wolf in Colorado, and to restoration of wild habitat for all species.
- Timber Wolf Information Network - A non-profit oganization dedicated to educating the public about the wolf and its role in the environment.
- UK Wolf Conservation Trust - Wolf Conservation and Educational Organization in the UK.
- Vern Ulven (Protect the Wolf) - Vern Ulven is a non-profit organization devoted to the protection of the Scandinavian Wolf. Free membership!
- Wild Canid Survival & Research Center (Wolf Sanctuary) - Captive breeding facility for Mexican gray, red &maned wolves, also providing public education.
- Wild Sentry: The Northern Rockies Ambassador Wolf Program - We combine science, humanities, stories, fun and a real wolf to provide a better understanding of wildness, wolves and natural world.
- The Wolf's Den website - Great wolf info and links, updated frequently. Also Native American info/issues.
- The Wolf Dunn is a friendly web site for 'owners' of hybrid wolves.
- The Wolf Education & Research Center - The WERC is a national organization dedicated to educating the public on wolf conservation issues.
- Wolf Haven International Wolf Haven International is dedicated to the conservation of Wolves and their habitat.
- Wolf Home - Hippomedia publishes public information on Wildlife issues
- Wild Canid Survival and Research Center (Wolf Sanctuary) - Captive breeding facility for endangered Mexican gray, red and South American red wolves. Provides public education about wolves.
Friends Of The Wolf, BC
POB 2983
Vancouver BC U6B 3X4
North American Wolf Society
P.O. Box 82950
Fairbanks, AK 99708
Project Wolf USA
168 Galer
Seattle, WA 98109
Wild Canid Survival and Research Center (Wolf Sanctuary)
P.O. Box 760
Eureka, MO 63025