- Ag-Links, News and Links for Agriculture - Ag-Links contains news and a directory of Web Links of interest to the Agriculture Industry
- Agnet - The UK site for the countryside, agriculture, horticulture, businesses, news, diary. Many trade organizations.
- Agricultural and Food Engineering Around the World - Hot hot and Cool cool links to all the agricultural and food engineering WWW pages around the world!
- Agricultural Genome Information Server is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Agricultural Research Service and the National Agricultural Library. This server lets you browse and search the National Genetic Resources Program genome databases, AGRICOLA, and related biological information.
- Agriculture.com - News, markets, weather, talk, machinery, livestock, crops, farm management, family, products & classifieds
- AgriNusa HomePage - Description of Indonesian Agro Commodities and other related matter
- Agroecosystem Health Project - Multi-disciplinary research project that explores the health of the agroecosystem, at the University of Guelph.
- Agvise - AGVISE Laboratories is a commercial testing laboratory specializing in agricultural and environmental testing.
- American Farmland Trust's Home Page - Is a private nonprofit membership organization founded in 1980 to protect the nation's agricultural resources. AFT works to stop the loss of productive farmland and to promote farming practices that lead to a healthy environment.
- Asia Regional Agribusiness Project
- Australia Earthmovers for Sale - A site which lists heavy machinery for sale. Users can both buy and sell excavators and earthmoving machinery online.
- Australian FARM RADIO - Australian Farm Radio is an sagricultural Radio station in Sydney Australia.This is their Website
- City Farmer's Urban Agriculture Notes
- Clark Consulting International, Inc. is involved in agricultural public relations and marketing services consulting
- Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative contains information on the genetics and breeding of economically important cucurbit plant species, including melon, cucumber, watermelon, squash, pumpkin, luffa and others.
- Deutsches Agrarinformationsnetz (DAINet) is a comprehensive platform of information resources in the fields of agriculture.
- Elsevier - Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment - The world’s leading provider of science and health information.
- Energy in Agriculture Program - California Energy Commission
- Farmer to Farmer is a publication that has grown out of the ideas, hopes and dreams of many who care about the future of farming in California.
- Floral and Hardy Landscape Gardening - Floral and Hardy Landscape Gardening specialises in the design and creation of beautiful, high quality Gardens that combines Artisan design with modern architecture.
- Great Plains Sustainable Development - IISD's Great Plains Program does work in the areas of agricultural productivity, rural communities, resource use and government policy.
- Heyne Custom Seed Services Prairie Wildflower Homepage - Site contains general and cultural information about prairie plants as well as a pricelist for seeds and related products and services.
- Landwirtschaft und Internet in Deutschland - An Overview of german agricultural websites
- National Agricultural Library
- Native Hawaiian Advisory Council Water Rights into Reality
- Native Seeds/SEARCH - Conserving seeds of crops grown by Native Americans in U.S. Southwest and northern Mexico.
- NRDC Agricultural Resources - NRDC is a national non-profit environmental organization that has worked on the issues of pesticides and environmentally-friendly farming for more than 25 years.
- OECD's Food, Agriculture and Fisheries homepage - International organization, Food Agriculture and Fisheries Directorate
- Ohio State University - EnviroPlants Research is a research-based information related to the Technical and Economical Efficiencies of Producing, Marketing, and Managing Environmental Plants.
- Purdue University - NewCROP contains facts on crops, potential crops and plant products, newsletters, annoucments, training programs, newcrops listserv, newcrops library, and research news.
- Purdue University - USDA-ARS National Soil Erosion Lab
- Texas A&M University - Southwest Agricultural Weather Service Center in College Station, Texas
- University of California Riverside - Biological, Agricultural and Medical Resources Library of the University of California, Riverside. Over 1,400 life, agricultural, environmental and medical Internet resources are well described. We offer a powerful and flexible search engine and browsing tools.
- University of Florida - Agricultural Information Retrieval System (FAIRS) is a comprehensive library of research produced by the University of Florida's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences covering topics such as agriculture, energy, food safety and nutrition, natural resources, pesti cides and pesticide safety, turfgrass, water quality and wildlife. FAIRS consists of thousands of documents, illustrations, photographs and tables from major programs within IFAS.
- University of Illinois - Department of Crop Sciences - Contains the most up to date information on such topics as variety testing, pesticides, and agricultural technologies. The Department of Crop Sciences contains hundreds of photos, facts, and figures.
- U.S. Department of Agriculture - We provide leadership on food, agriculture, natural resources, rural development, nutrition, and related issues based on sound public policy, the best available science, and efficient management.
Wikipedia - Environmental impact of agriculture
American Farmland Trust
1920 N St., NW, Suite 400
Washington, DC 20036
Center for Rural Affairs
P.O.Box 405
Walthill, NE 68067
Phone: 402-846-5428
Farm Sanctuary
3100 Aikens Rd.
Watkins Glen, NY 14891
International Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture
Newman Center, University of Minnesota
1701 University AVe. SE, Rm. 202
Minneapolis, MN 55414
International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements
IFOAM General Secretariat, c/o Okozentrum
Imsbach, D - 6695 Tholey-Theley
Northern Plains Sustainable Agriculture Society
P.O. Sox 36
Maida, ND 58255
Organic Crop Improvement Association, Nebraska
Rt. 1, Box 163
Marquette, NE 68854
Phone: 402-854-3195 or 308-382-2707
Remington Farms
R.D. #2
Chestertown, MD 21620